If you wish for peace, prepare for war
The Confederation of Independent Mandalorian Systems was based upon true heroes in Mandalorian history. We go all the way back to before the Empire, After we lost our siege against the Republic and the Jedi we were hunted down and sent into exile. So we came here, to the Verse. In dire need of rebuilding the great Mandalorian System.
We are in dire need of rebuilding the great Mandalorian System, to do so we need to gain power, here, in the Verse. To gain power, you need large military capacity and a stable economy and to gain a stable economy we need to do intergalactical trading and do bounty work. We need all of this, to one day, gain back what is rightfully Mandalorian territory.
Manda’lor: Kartoffelchips
Aliit’alor: Theodor T. Pipevalley