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Roberts Space Industries ®


  • Club
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Exploration

Here at Citizens Consolidated we just wanna have fun playing the best space game there is. Hop into the Discord.


In the winter of 2949 a Citizen had a dream, a simple yet obtainable dream. Rising up from the Gutter of Area 18’s criminal underworld a sense of camaraderie and achievements with fellow citizens was needed. Citizens Consolidated was formed and its story continues and always welcomes new members with the same outlook on the Verse.


The overall Goal of this ORG is to be varied in Experiences across the Verse. You name a Job and there’s someone with a ship to help or do the Work. Our Intentions toward others are to always be Friendly unless Fired upon and to Help others when possible.
As an ORG we see Space as a Dangerous place and make no misconceptions as to the risks involved in pursuing our Fortunes across the Verse!


Here at Citizens Consolidated we have a few rules to maintain order and the inclusive environment we all need.
1. No Griefing Fellow Org Members.
2. Ensure payment is sent for any multi-crew job.
3. Everyone is allowed to participate.
4. Be Civil, Polite and Respectful of and toward others.
5. HAVE FUN! Its an aLpHa so dont let bugs get you down!