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Roberts Space Industries ®

Clockwork Corp / CLOCKWORKC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Transport

Well we’re loading up our game and we gonna head into space where bounties tend to flee and we give ‘em chase. Buy a ship with a belly and a couple of guns, We’re locked and loaded and ready for fun. Spent a couple of dollars and now they call us backers while in real life were just slackers. PEACE!


There once was a little kid who dreamed that one day a space simulator would be made. Not just another space sim filled with limitations. No, a space simulator that would allow him to become anything that he wanted to be. Also, he would be able to bring his friends along on his journey. Thus the Clockwork Click (yes I know it’s spelled wrong) was born. It was born in the under development process of Star Citizen. In this group he would be an instrument of justice, a bounty hunter. He would clean up the filth in the vastness of space. However, he wasn’t quite sure how bounty hunting works so he also had a secondary dream of becoming a cargo hauler for quick easy credits.


Bounty hunters who ride the line of the right and wrong side of the law. Not because we get off on it but because sometimes that’s what it takes to take down a greater evil. Once the evil has been cleared away, credits still need to flow. Therefore, we are available for cargo jobs.


Don’t be a dick to your fellow clique members!