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Cocks Clan / COKS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to the Cocks Clan!

Cocks Clan is a mature gaming community who believes strongly in having fun.

We are a social club of gamers who, through our games, have become good friends.


A Brief History of Cocks Clan

It can be said that Cocks Clan really began early in 2009 when the core members of Cocks first met online and fought a common enemy together in EVE Online.

Over the years we have stuck together and Cocks Clan eventually solidified when Star Citizen was first announced. Our alliance mascot in EVE was the Puffin but in Star Citizen we chose the fighting Cock. We feel that this bird represents our unique fighting spirit among ourselves as well as with others.

The Cocks Clan is a fun organisation that enables its members to enjoy the game of Star Citizen. We are a collection of friends who often play many games, that have always enjoyed gaming together.

Cocks players become loyal friends, are tough in combat and strongly focused on having fun.

Cocks Clan is an exclusive club of casual and regular game players. We believe that this is the best way for people to enjoy their game. We are also a no drama organisation.

Many of our members have yet to migrate here. We do not have an RSI forum recruitment thread open for a reason. Our recruitment is open but extremely selective at the moment.

If you want cool friends to hang out with and play games, please contact: Captain Vaguy on the RSI site.


If you’re not a Cock, get out!

Cocks Clan Principles

  • Be cool, not a serious ***hat.
  • Make friends on Teamspeak 3
  • Be Loyal to each other.
  • Resolve issues yourself in a mature manner (no drama)
  • Instinctively teamkill at own risk.

Cocks Clan Goals

  • Enjoy gaming the way we see fit.
  • Make friends through common interests.


Cocks Clan Charter

At Cocks Clan, we don’t have time for neither ***hats nor recluse players.

The Cocks Clan charter is simply to have fun online with good friends.

Leading officers

  • Captain Vaguy – Founder, Lead Operations and Recruiting Officer
  • Amun Khonsu – Graphics and Web Manager
  • Whitehall1212 – Human Resources Manager

Terms of Office

Terms of Office are lifetime terms and only relinquished upon death and even then it may not end.


You may attempt to vote in a Quorum on topics relating to the clan, but ultimately no one will care and clan officers will do what they want anyhow.

Charter Amendments

Charter may be amended without notice.