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SAS Corporation / CORPORATES

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Welcome to SAS Corporation

The For-Profit Organisation.

We are a gaming community and organisation focused on making aUEC through any means necessary.

Please check our Manifesto for the Organisationsal Focus and to search for open roles in the organisation.


In 2950 a group of friends and associates were presented with a potentially lucrative opportunity, SAS Group CEO Sheeedz along with GROUP DIRECTORS and DIVISION COMMANDERS GazzaBurgess and CaptainEon have turned that small opportunity into a multi role corporation which now spreads across the entire verse and has profitable revenue streams in every location.

The Group is still in its infancy and continues to grow both in member numbers and in total revenue, The Group is expanding and is looking forward to the next stage of it’s profitable evolution with the deployment of its new Military and Security Division, Logistics Division, Industry Division and Exploration Division.


SAS Group Organisational Focus

SAS Corporation’s complete focus is to profit from every opportunity available. As a corporation the aim is to work together to achieve our primary goal that is why every person under this organisation must be like-minded and willing to do the necessary for the SAS Corporation and the aUEC.

Division Overview

Military and Security Division – The Main operation of this division is to provide Security for the SAS Corporation’s profitable and lucrative opportunities. The secondary role of this division is to profit from the Military and Security Sector’s lucrative opportunities.

Logistics Division – The main operation of this division to is profit from the delivery and trading routes available throughout the universe. The secondary role of this Division will be to provide logistics support to the SAS Corporation’s other lucrative opportunities.

Industry Division – The main operation of this division is to profit from the Industrial sector of the verse this includes mining and salvage operations. The secondary role of this division will be to construct the SAS Corporation’s new home as an Industrial super power.

Exploration Division – The main operation of this division is to find new lucrative opportunities for the SAS Corporation to profit from. The secondary role of this division will be scouting, espionage and path finding in the verse.

SAS Group Recruitment:

SAS CORPORATION is currently recruiting for Executive and Operations roles throughout the organisation, to apply please submit an application and one of our recruitment team will get back to you.

Current Available Roles within the Organisation

SAS Military and Security Division:

## Division Commander (Board Member)
## Division Director
## Manager
## Senior Associate
## Junior Associate

SAS Logistics Division:

## Division Commander (Board Member)
## Division Director
## Manager
## Senior Associate
## Junior Associate

SAS Industry Division:

## Division Commander (Board Member)
## Division Director
## Manager
## Senior Associate
## Junior Associate

SAS Exploration Division:

## Division Commander (Board Member)
## Division Director
## Manager
## Senior Associate
## Junior Associate

## Administrator – all Divisions

To be eligible for the above role’s you must conform to the Groups Organisational Focus. The organisational roles function on an hierarchy based system, meaning each role is accountable to the next senior role, for example you start in the organisation as an Associate therefore you report to the Manager, this system works all the way up to the Group Divisional Commander, Division Directors and CEO.

SAS Group role’s

Division Commander (DC) – The Division Commander is a senior member of the group and is responsible to the Board of Directors on the overall effectiveness of the Division, The DC is required to run the division as an organisation with in the organisation and they also must work together with the other DC’s. This role is limited to 1 individual who must be active as much as possible, inactivity for a week will result in a demotion with another active Director being promoted to DC.

Division Director (DD) – The Division Director is the second in command of the division and assists the Division Commander with the roles and responsibilities. Typically, Divison Directors would be a departmental lead for example Human Resources with in the division, operations of the division or Support for the division, but this is at the discretion of the Division Commander. This Role is limited as per the Divisional Commander’s requirements.

Manager (M) – The Manager is the third in command of the division and assists the Division Director with the roles and responsibilities Typically, Managers would be for more specialised departments for example Recruitment for the division, or specialised operations like Managing Cargo Runs or Bounty Hunting, but this is at the discretion of the Division Directors, this role is limited as per the requirements of the Division Director.

Administrator – The administrator is responsible for administrative tasks set by the Divisional Commander or Division Director, typically, this can include managing divisional staffing lists and taking minutes in division meetings, although this is at the discretion of the Division Commander.

Senior/Junior/Associate – The Associate roles are the operators of the Division, performing the tasks set by the Divisional Commanders, Directors and Managers. This is the entry level for all new members of the Group and promotions to Manager roles roles will come from this level of experience. The amount of roles required will be at the discretion of the Managers

SAS Group Board of Directors and Divisional Leaders:

Group Founder and CEOSheeedz
Military and Security Division Commander – **
Logistics Division Commander – **
Industry Division Commander – **
Exploration Division Commander -**
Other Board Members – GazzaBurgess, CaptainEon, TheBlindMailMan.
Division Directors – **


SAS Corporation Regulations;

As A member of the for Profit SAS Corporation and of one of the Divisions you will be expected to implement the following;


## A Division must have only 1 Divisional Commander (DC) it can have multiple Division Directors with Multiple Managers as well as multiple Administrators and Associate Operators.

## Each Division must work together for profit and it is the Division Commander’s responsibility to oversee the division and divisional integration and to ensure continued profits for active members of that Division.

## Operators can operate multiple Divisions, all roles qualify as operators.

## If you wish to be removed from a specific Division you must inform the divisional Commander and administrator.

## Promotion is at the discretion of the next senior role but must be approved by the Division Commander.

## You must follow the below promotion path;
## Junior and Senior Associate Operator > Manager > Division Director > Division Commander > CEO

## Inactivity within the verse for over 7 days will require you to be demoted from your current position and replaced by another active member, unless exceptional circumstances granted by the Board.

## Divisional Meetings are at the discretion of the Divisional Commander.

## Divisional Uniform is at the discretion of the Division Commander.


## All Mission Profits must be shared with the individuals undertaking that mission.

## Cargo Hauling profits must be shared between any escorts using the transport beacon functionality.


## Board meetings are at the discretion of the Board members.

## Only designated Board members can join a Board meeting.


## As an SAS Group Member you are not allowed to shoot another SAS Group member.

## You can not be a member of another organisation as we are an exclusive group

## Group SAS Communication’s must run through the Secure SAS Servers