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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Transport

The name “ORE” not only stood for “Ore Extraction” but also symbolized the company’s core values: “Opportunity”, “Resourcefulness” and “Excellence”.

Prospecting & Mining & Salvaging & Transportation


In the year 2945, amidst the bustling streets and gleaming skyscrapers of ArcCorp, the ORE Corporation was founded. This is the story of Xerwon and his visionary journey that led to the creation of this company.

A skilled prospector and adventurer, Xerwon was known for his exceptional ability to discover valuable resources in the most remote corners of the universe. Born on a small mining outpost in the Outer Rim worlds, he always dreamed of pushing the boundaries of known space travel and unlocking new riches.

After many years of traveling and exploring, Xerwon recognized a gap in the market: there was a lack of a company that specialized in mining and processing rare ores while developing innovative technologies to improve the efficiency and sustainability of mining. With this goal in mind, he returned to ArcCorp to realize his vision.

ArcCorp, a planet known for its endless metropolis and relentless hustle and bustle, provided the ideal location for the new company’s headquarters. The diverse and technologically advanced environment enabled Xerwon to recruit the best minds and resources to put his plans into action.

Xerwon founded ORE Corporation with a clear mission: to become the most efficient and advanced mining company in the entire universe. The name “ORE” not only stood for “Ore Extraction” but also symbolized the company’s core values: “Opportunity”, “Resourcefulness” and “Excellence”.

The first few years were challenging. Competition in the mining sector was fierce and technological developments required significant investment. But Xerwon was not discouraged.

Today, years after its founding, ORE Corporation is not only synonymous with mining and resource management, but also a symbol of innovation and pioneering spirit. And while Xerwon continues to explore new horizons, his vision remains the driving force behind the continued success of ORE Corporation.


ORE ist ein Treffpunkt für alle, die Bergbau, Bergung und Transport als ihre Aufgabe ansehen.
Der Weltraum unendliche… Möglichkeiten! Wenn man ein Schiff hat.


ORE is a meeting point for everyone who sees mining, salvage and transport as their job.
Space infinite… possibilities! If you have a ship.


1. Verhalten:
Seid höfflich und nett zueinander.
“Trollen,” das heißt Posts oder Threads einstellen, die bewusst auf sehr starke, negative und emotionale Antworten abzielen, um zu schockieren, sind nicht erlaubt. User, die nur angelegt werden, um zu “trollen”, werden sofort und dauerhaft gesperrt. Ständige persönliche Angriffe werden ebenfalls als “Trollen” ausgelegt.

2. Avatare und Namen:
Es dürfen keine Avatare und Namen verwendet werden, die gegen die Allgemeinen Regeln verstoßen. Dazu gehört auch die Verwendung von Namen, die hasserfüllt, herabwürdigend, rassistisch, ethnisch diskriminierend, obszön, vulgär oder sexuell anstößig sind sowie jegliche Äußerungen, die ihrem Wesen nach beleidigend sind.

3. Inhalte:
Hochladen, Übertragen, Unterstützen oder Verbreiten von illegalen Inhalten oder Unterstützen oder Ermutigen von illegalen Aktivitäten wie Hacken, Cracken oder Verteilung gefälschter Software ist nicht erlaubt. Hochladen oder versuchtes Verbreiten von Dateien, die Viren, schadhafte Daten oder Schadsoftware enthalten ist nicht erlaubt.


1. Behavior:
Be polite and nice to each other.
“Trolling,” that is, posts or threads that deliberately aim for very strong, negative, and emotional responses in order to shock, are not allowed. Users who are only created to “troll” will be immediately and permanently blocked. Constant personal attacks are also interpreted as “trolls”.

2. Avatars and Names:
Avatars and names that violate the General Rules may not be used. This includes the use of names that are hateful, derogatory, racially, ethnically discriminatory, obscene, vulgar or sexually offensive, or any language that is inherently offensive.

3. Content:
Uploading, transmitting, supporting or distributing illegal content or supporting or encouraging illegal activities such as hacking, cracking or distributing counterfeit software is not allowed. Uploading or attempting to distribute files that contain viruses, corrupted data, or malware is not allowed.