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Crusader Wolves / CRUWOLVES

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Social

────────── Crusader Wolves ──────────

Fight today for tomorrow’s utopia.


August Dunlow founded Crusader Industries in 2799, envisioning a future in which citizens of the UEE may truly find peace and prosper.

But has his utopia truly become reality?

Crusader, the bastion of philanthropy, is under siege. Renegades have long established themselves in Yela’s asteroid belt, right next to our doorstep. By now, all planets in the Stanton system face increasingly brazen raids due to lax defense measures.

And who knows what dangers lurk in the shadows alongside XenoThreat, waiting for the right moment to assail Stanton…

The crusade declared 252 years ago is far from over. Today, pirates roam freely and prey on the innocent. Yet more disturbing, griefers threaten the future of our Verse through their heinous crimes against humanity.

This shall be tolerated no longer!
We, the Crusader Wolves, will enter the fray and protect our home against those who wish to destory it – with generosity, zeal, and fire.

Join our cause, and do your part to protect the Verse!


Orison, Crusader (Stanton II) | 17.04.2954


The Crusader Wolves are an order of loyal defenders of Crusader and Stanton who stand fearlessly before those who would otherwise be defenseless against the dangers of the Verse.

Like the noble knights of Terra’s Middle Ages, the Wolves protect ports and trade routes, guiding travelers, merchants and explorers to their destination. Along our journeys, we combat anyone who seeks to do harm – be they pirates, griefers, or Xenos.

But fervent zeal alone is only half the key to victory. Both in space and ground operations, our combat squadrons must function as one unit.

Therefore, combat tactics center around our command ships, tailored to the specific mission conditions at hand.
Currently, the following command ships are under construction:

  • • Mobile Headquarters ➤ Kraken “Leviathan Of Righteous Fury”
  • • Combat Patrols ➤ Perseus “Wolfshammer”


Orison, Crusader (Stanton II) | 17.04.2954


The Crusader Wolves’ Creed

I. Help the Weak, and You Will Become Strong!

The Wolves hunt evildoers with a passion and protect those who cannot yet protect themselves. Therefore, it shall come natural for you to aid players who are under attack or struggling in general, either as a lone wolf or as part of combat operations.

In return for your PvP efforts, our squadrons will train you to become even better at it!

Although obvious, it should be mentioned that any aggressive action by a crusader taken against the innocent shall result in instant termination, literally.


II. Be Generous, and You Will Become Rich!

Philanthropy is highly valued on Crusader. As such, every crusader shall contribute to the progress of the entire organization, be it through cooperative missions or well-placed financial injections.

In order to contribute to our prosperity, you require the means to do so. As such, you will be offered a small loan of a million aUEC by joining our org which you can spend freely to upgrade your playstyle. We kindly ask you to repay said million aUEC within 4 weeks, with zero interest.

Financial investments into industry ships to grow our economic power shall take priority – we aim for exponential growth through Reclaimer salvaging, Arrastra mining, C2 transports, etc.

And finally, a global investment funds shall be set up for the acquisition of the Kraken Mobile Headquarters.
Contribute towards this main goal, and you shall receive benefits directly linked to the Kraken’s operations once the ship is online!


III. Be a Part of the Whole, and You Will Have Fun!

With the increasing amount of content, our space squadrona will host recurring events: PvP competitions, exploration treks, and much more!

We respect your free time, as most of us have commitments alongside of Star Citizen.
Nevertheless, please drop by at least once on the weekends (Fri/Sat/Sun), both in the Verse and VOIP.


(IV.) Enjoy the RP, if You Want To!

Although not required, we encourage you to become the righteous space knight you always wanted to be. Why else would you join a literal crusader order in Star Citizen?


Orison, Crusader (Stanton II) | 17.04.2954