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Dawn / D4WN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to Dawn!

We are a small group of friends from Dawn Studio.

Our goal is to enjoy what the ‘verse has to offer in a casual environment, spiked with a little roleplay.

Join our Discord to get in touch!



Dawn is a small group of hobby developers that want to build a community around developing and enjoying games to their fullest. Some of us had their eyes on Star Citizen for as far as 2014, but we didn’t feel like it was polished enough to be fun in the long run. In 2023 many core features finally went live and we decided to give it a shot. It was a blast. So we created this Org to find likeminded individuals that want to engange in the complex simulation that Star Citizen has become.


We want to enjoy the ‘verse without limiting us to a specific gameplay loop or roleplay style. Today we might be Miners, tomorrow we might be Bounty Hunters. Whatever is the most fun at the time.

We do NOT support any trolling, griefing, cheating, harassment, etc. Open gameplay opportunities doesn’t mean you have to be a big A.

Most of use work full-time and/or have kids. We don’t want drama and we neither expect, nor can we provide regular play times. But the more people, the higher the chance that someone is not working overtime :)

Most of us are bilingual germans. Obviously, since this is an english description, we don’t want to limit ourselves to german. But you might find that preferable and play times usually differ to other english speakers.


Be nice!