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Dead mans crew / DEDMANCREW

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

“No law, no limits—just a Dead Man’s Crew!”

Do ye dare join?



Dead Man’s Crew: A Brief History

Origins: Born from rebellious soldiers and outlaws after the Vanduul War.

Rise to Infamy: Under Captain Bushy, we raided UEE targets, striking from hidden bases and earning a fearsome reputation.

Code and Conflict: We live by loyalty and freedom, outsmarting every UEE attempt to crush us.

Legacy: A symbol of rebellion and chaos, we live by one creed: “No law, no limits—just a Dead Man’s Crew!”


What We Do:

Take Everything: We loot rich and poor alike—your money and cargo are ours.
Crush the UEE: We blow up their ships and their rule.
Free the Captives: Smuggle prisoners out of Klescher, the UEE’s labor camp.

Why We Do It:

Defy Tyranny: We reject UEE oppression to live free.
Claim What’s Ours: Your cargo belongs to us.
Fearless and Unapologetic: We love it, and we don’t care who doesn’t.
Expose the Truth: Klescher is a labor camp, not a prison—we’re here to set people free.


- Follow Orders: Do as we say, and everything goes smoothly.
- Honor Deals: We keep our promises if you keep yours.
- Crew Loyalty: Loyalty to the crew above all.