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Devil Docs / DEVILDOCS

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading



Devil Docs is one of if not the newest private medical groups around, having only been a dream in our Fleet Admirals mind and he never thought it would actually become anything. He has had several jobs in the verse over the years after his time in the Navy as a combat medic, the last one was working for a shipping company flying a Caterpillar loaded with scrap back and forth in Stanton. He hated it, not the Cat but the job. The only thing he did like about the job was the Cat. But after years of combat any job would seem slow.

Then one day he had a chance encounter that changed his life forever. The day was November 25 2950, Drake day at the IAE on Microtech. Not that he had the money for a new ship, but the IAE was all the talk in the verse and he figured he could at least grab a shirt and a beer. So he grabbed a delivery that was headed to Microtech so he could have the company pay for the night stay on the planet and went about his day. The day went as all days do…boring as all hell. He landed at New Babbage just before sunset and made his way to the show.

After a few hours of listening to sales reps try and talk him into ships he could not afford, he was feeling a little down. So to brighten up his day he figured it was time for that beer or 12. He had been at the bar for a bit, about three beers deep when a guy in a nice suit sat down a few spots away. He sparked up chit chat with the man in the suit, after a few more beers the two seemed to be the best of friends. He told him the dream he had about making a private medical group and it was about this time when the night really started getting nuts as the man in the suit started ordering shots one after another…. And that is the last thing he remembers about the night.

When he awoke the next morning, he realized he was in the nicest penthouse they have at The Nest. He moved out into the hall where he saw a man heading towards him. The man tells him he is the private assistant to the man in the suit and apologies for him as he had to leave and get back home to SOL, but handed him a mobiglass and a note and showed him to the table where his breakfast was waiting for him. The assistant excused himself and left and he didn’t see him the rest of the time he was there. So he took a minute to soak in everything then decided to read the note. It read…

Hey Brother,

I wanted to be there to tell you in person and this is really not something we can put in the air for the data pirates, so old school will just have to do. You really touched me with your want to help people in the verse. So I am going to fund the whole thing, with only one catch. No one can ever know the money came from me. Lets just say it’s a conflict of interest for most of my other business ventures and may cause a few of my partners to question my decisions. If you are good with that, consider yourself funded 100% and I never want any dividends. Let’s just say I have more than enough and this is my way to try and keep the karma even. With the mobiglass my assistant gave you, has access to 20 million and if you need any more contact my assistant and he will get me the message. Also there is a brand new ship for you at the spaceport. We will get together again soon.

May The Verse Be You.

PS Burn this note ASAP

That was less than 2 weeks ago now and he did just that. Started the business and has just got to the point where he is interviewing employees. So this just goes to show not every guy in a suit is a dick. They may just drop you 20 million and change your life forever.


About Devil Docs

Devil Docs at its core are a private medical paramilitary group. We have Everything to support your medical needs from the hospital to the combat medic and everything in between. All jobs big or small will be handled with military precision and professionalism.

Devil Docs don’t pick sides or favorites, we pick the cash every time. If both sides of the battle are willing to pay we’ll take care of the whole battle. From pirates to dignitaries we treat them all without judgement, or preferential treatment. As long as they pay, we will save the day.

Hire Devil Docs

Go to our discord and place a message in the correct channel for the services required and Fill out the form. One of our representatives will get back to you as soon as we can to schedule and work out all the details. If you have a emergency jump into the “Emergency Service” voice chat

Contact Devil Docs

For A Battle

Price- TBD

What to Expect-

For Your Org Event

Price- TBD

What to Expect-

Medical Escort

Price- TBD

What to Expect-

Search and Rescue

Price- TBD

What to Expect-

Emergency Service

Price- TBD

What to Expect-


So your interested in joining the Devil Docs. You need to ask yourself these 3 questions.
  1. Are you willing to put your life on the line to save others.
  2. Are you able to work as a team and follow the Chain of Command
  3. Must be willing to put in the time. No Part Time or Casual work here.

Administration Positions Available

  • Admiral – Second in Charge
  • Treasury Officer – Keep Track of All Funds In and Out
  • Origination Relations Officer – Recruiting New Members and Acquiring Relationships with other Originations

Origination Current Needs (Positions Will Open As More Gameplay is Added Also Ships Will Be Provided If Needed)

Medical Squad

  • 1 Medical Squad CO
  • 1 Medical Squad XO
  • 5 Cutlass Red Pilots
  • 5 Cutlass Red Copilot
  • 10 Cutlass Red Combat Medics

Air Defense Squad

  • 1 Air Defense CO
  • 1 Air Defense XO
  • 10 Fighter Pilots

Combat Medics

  • 1 Combat Medic CO
  • 1 Combat Medic XO
  • 1 Valkyrie Pilot
  • 1 Valkyrie Copilot
  • 3 Valkyrie Crew
  • 4 Combat Medic Squad Leader
  • 16 Combat Medics

If you want to enlist please fill out the enlistment form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Devil Docs Enlistment