Delta Fighter Wing / DFWGC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

DELTA FIGHTER WING is a military fighter wing that focuses on security, scouting, bounty hunting and trade.
We are part of the DFW MULTI-PLATFORM GAMING COMMUNITY founded in 2005.
Visit us at our website and apply now!
Feel free to join our discord!


Need a referral code?

New recruits can sign up to Star Citizen by using the following referral code: STAR-LD5L-F6X7
You will earn 5,000 UEC (United Earth Credits) which can be spent on the website for weapons, ship components or decorations for your Hangar.



The year 2005 is the birth year of the community we now know as Delta Fighter Wing and the genesis of our story. Initially part of “DELTA: Counter-Terrorist Unit” a large group that actively partook in organized operations in BFV, an insurrection led by the clan’s Gold (SpecOps) Team was the cause of the collapse of DELTA CTU. As the clan fell into a state of disrepair and ultimately to it’s demise, the air platoon seceded from DELTA CTU and founded Delta Fighter Wing as an independent gaming clan on September 28, 2005.


The Delta Fighter Wing Gaming Community has a long, arduous history and has since progressed from a military-oriented gaming clan to a multi-platform gaming community. DFW has historically had involvement in a plethora of games and genres throughout the years to include: Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, Haegemonia: Legions of Iron, Unreal Tournament, Halo Custom Edition, the Halo series, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands & Borderlands 2, Freelancer, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Starcraft II, League of Legends, Firefall, Minecraft, EVE Online, Phantasy Star Online 2, Arma 2 & 3, DayZ, Star Conflict, the Call of Duty series, the Mass Effect series, Dead Space 3, Titanfall, Unturned, Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars Battlefront, Ark Survival Evolved, Grand Theft Auto V, Overwatch and many more. None, however more anticipated than the illustrious STAR CITIZEN!

We are a relaxed gaming community that specializes in different styles of aerial and space combat, but openly welcome applicants from all walks of life with a taste of almost any type of game and style. We have seen some of our veteran members grow from childhood to adulthood with us. Our community currently consists of a PC Division and Console Division and our ranks range from hardcore to casual players, both drunk and sober.

Visit our website and enlist with us today!


The Delta Fighter Wing general rules, terms and conditions can be found at