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Divitiae Galactic Holdings / DGH

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

“Felicitatem Divitiae Captionem”

Holding Wealth and Prosperity


//Divitiae Galactic Holdings//
Message on the ‘nets said to head to Lorville where I could get sorted out by some legal-types. I headed that way and turns out that I had something like a small fortune. Having just come off the Invictus 2951 high of a lifetime I decided to go all-in making investments chiefly in Anvil Aerospace and a few other manufacturers. So then I decided to set myself up with a proper corporation to manage my assets with a long time friend, brother really, and so Divitiae Galactic Holdings was established on July 1 2951.


// When organization play is updated (at some unspecified future date) our goal is to allow formal assignment of ships from the fleet to be designated for the organization. Our aim is to pool together our resources and wealth for the benefit of all.

// For now, we focus on playing together and helping each other learn and get better building our wealth and prosperity!
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, then apply if you want to take part in our organization!


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.