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Roberts Space Industries ®

Digerati / DIGERATI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Illuminati -> Technocrati -> Digerati
We are the new generation.

Anyone can join free of charge, publicly, hidden or secret. Our goal: to learn and earn.


We are Digerati.
The true origin of our name is not known. Some excerpts of data are found in long forgotten archives, tombes and fragments of old technology.

It is not sure if the order is based on Illuminati: a secret society on earth or based on Technorati, the secret alliance of technical wizards of Mars. But we know we are Digerati: The new era of information and technology scholars.

What we know:
The first use of “digerati” was in a York Times article, called “Pools of Memory, Waves of Dispute”, by Capt. Johnathan Frakes.

Digerati: people highly skilled in the processing and manipulation of digital information; wealthy or scholarly techno-geeks.


Who are we, the “digerati” and why are we “the cyber elite”?
We are the doers, thinkers, and writers who have tremendous influence on the emerging communication revolution.
We are not on the frontier, we are the frontier.
We, the digerati evangelize, connect people, adapt quickly.
We like to talk with peers because it forces us to go to the top of our form and explain our most interesting and new ideas.
We give each other permission to be great.
That’s who we want to talk to about the things we are excited about because we want to see if it plays.
We ask each other the questions who we are asking ourselves, and that’s part of what makes our cyber elite work.


1. respect,
2. investigate every quest,
3. take action
4. ask questions.
5. gather intel,
6. accumulate data
7. transfer data into knowledge