Dead Men (Tell no Tales) / DMENT

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Some call us outlaws. Some call us Mercinaries, and some, Pirates.

In truth we are a little of everything. To our friends and allies we are their backup, to the innocent we are their shining heros in black and red, to the corrupt and our enemies, we are their worst nightmare!


Members of DMENT are mostly former UEE officers, disgruntled with the government, who let their ‘Citizens’ suffer while the elite prosper. Corporations rule the UEE and the weak are swept under foot.

Steve, a former senior officer stripped of his rank and dishonorably discharged for defending a civilian freighter against orders took the law into his own hands, soon others followed, first his trusted fellow UEE officers and crew, then others.


The Empire is ours! They just don’t know it yet!


Shoot first, ask questions later