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Dopelives Corporation / DOPECORP

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Exploration
  • Security


After the development of sentient goat-based lifeforms, the Dopelives Corporation took upon itself to eradicate the presence of bad intergalactic broadcasters, generating eons upon eons of poorly thought out and uninteresting content. In order to fight this retard menace, a select group of individuals formed DopeCorp in the hopes that morons would be eradicated from the universe, so that we might exist in relative peace within the unending chaos of the Dopelives community.

We wait for our eternal saviour, high-streamer Roddy Reen, to rise up and cleanse the infidels… (if he dares o.o)


Take jobs. Get paid. Make money.


Welcome Newfriend!

Speak English.
Speaks for itself

Use proper grammar and spelling.
This means no “u” or “y” and so on, try to keep your spelling and grammar at your best.

Don’t overuse smileys or memes.
So stay away from “XD” or
” and so on, we try to keep the chat free from it.

Respect the opinions of others.
Don’t argue about what’s “best” or what’s “worst”, just acknowledge people’s opinions and move on.