Supply or Die

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Eternal Light / ELUK

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Social

Welcome to the official organisation of /r/StarCitizenUK !
An org consisting of all UK based players, aiming to have a large network that operates in all areas of the PU.
We aim to have a friendly and engaged community.
Enlist today!


Made by the wonderful people at /r/StarCitizenUK. This historic organisation will provide a hub for UK players to enjoy and to expand across the systems.

The organisation was founded on the principle that a close community of local friends can provide the best sort of gaming experience.


Formed as a large umbrella organisation with the purpose of uniting all citizens that come from the UK, Eternal Light aims to be social fun experience for all.

Each part of the game is split into a governing body, from the Military to trade each area is headed by its own group of self appointed members. They get to choose who gets hired into their branch of the organisation and what they want to do with it. The different limbs of the org are encouraged to use each others services and to engage on missions together.

We have a subreddit for the org! –
Head there for all org related news.


Please direct all requests to their respective boards, they are in complete control of their sector.

Head(s) of Military- The Glacier

Head(s) of Trade- BiggieShackleton

Head(s) of Engineering – Jev , Lola Alphonse