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Emancipated Enterprises / EMEN

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

Emancipated Enterprises is a proud company built upon the work of hard working entrepreneurs. We pride ourselves in the ability to get things done in the most acceptable way. We believe that any unwanted or underutilized resources should be handled by our outstanding Acquisition Associates.


Several years ago a league of several “traders of goods” banded together and created the Emancipated Enterprises org to spread goods across the system evenly and to the benefit of themselves. Over the last few years profits have soared and now we have a need for more associates.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


1. Employment
The Employee, agrees that they will at all times faithfully, industriously, and to the best of their skills, experience and talents, perform all of the duties required of the position. In carrying out these duties and responsibilities, the Employee shall comply with all Employer policies, procedures, rules, and regulations, both written and oral, asare announced by the Employer from time to time.

2. Position Title
As a Acquisition Associate, the Employee is required to perform all of their necessary job functions
and duties, and all other duties that may be assigned to Employee from time to time by
Employer. This is a made up position, expected to average some hours per week.

3. Compensation
As full compensation for all services provided, the Employee shall be paid at the rate of
“part of the booty” and will be subject to functional review. Such payments shall be subject to normal
mandatory deductions by the Employer.

4. At Will Employment
While we look forward to a long and profitable relationship, you will be an at will Employee of the EMANCIPATED ENTERPRISES, which means the employment relationship can be terminated by either us or you* for any reason, at any time, with or without prior notice and with or without cause. Any statements or representations to the contrary should be regarded by you as ineffective.

5. Non-Competition Covenant & Confidentiality
As an Employee of EMANCIPATED ENTERPRISES, you will have access to certain confidential information of the
Employer and you may, during the course of your employment, develop certain information or
inventions that will be the property of the Employer. You may not disclose this information
outside of the Company. We also wish to impress upon you that we do not want you to, and we
hereby direct you not to, bring with you any confidential or proprietary material of any former
employer or to violate any other obligations you may have to any former employer.

6. Severability of Contract
The parties hereto agree that in the event any article or part thereof of this contract is held to be
unenforceable or invalid, then said article or part shall be struck, and all remaining provisions
shall remain in full force and effect.

7. Choice of Law
This contract shall be governed, interpreted, and construed in accordance with the laws of the

*At your own risk