Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Evil Incorporated / EVILINC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

“Anything For The The Right Price” ™

-Evil Incorporated


We welcome you to apply with us at Evil Incorporated the most honorable pirates and scoundrels in the verse. Our main goal is to make a profit and what better way then crewing up and setting sail in the verse looking for your next bounty. We are currently recruit dedicated pirates, scoundrels, low lifes, thugs, drug runners, and the like.

Now Hiring:

◘ Pirates
◘ Scoundrels
◘ Low Lifes
◘ Thugs
◘ Drug Runners
◘ And All Other Scum of the Verse

Parent Organization

◘ Cognition Corp


We are a group that is not about griefing but about profiting as an independent society outside the bounds of the UEE. Our intention is to create a strong mature community with a management group to assist our members toward a better future. Our large reserve of organization resources are intended for use for all our members.


There are only two rules in Evil Incorporated:

1. Always turn a profit.

2. Honor among thieves.