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Roberts Space Industries ®

Exygen / EXYGEN

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Security

The Leader in Exogenous Supply & Support Services.

To Survive Out There, You Need EXYGEN




Born out of the United Empire of Earth’s (U.E.E.) brutal blockade of the Centauri System in 2782, smuggles ran supplies through and around the naval battle group charged with enforcing the embargo. They provided food, medical supplies and arms to the desperate civilian population within the system.

As the military began tightening its grip, to strangle the renegade supply lines, a group of “independent contractors” co-ordinated their activities, to keep some form of trade open to the Centauri people. Most were merchants, others were former U.E.E. military providing security escort for the defiant convoys. All knew the importance of continuing, because as history has shown, this was one of the key events which marked the end of the Messer era.

Although a number of original members perished during these confrontations, enough survived to see the blockade end and the regime step back. The empire got a bloody nose and a black eye, but it was not defeated. Consequently, it is from this resilient legacy, that a more conventional enterprise was established.

EXYGEN was founded by the remaining members of this group of blockade runners, to provide security and supply services to areas of the galaxy that others fear to go into. With over 150 years of operation, our crew members have delivered countless supplies, escorted thousands of ships, contended with hordes of pirates and corrupt officials, but also lost many friends and companions along the way. Some have never made it back, yet all were committed to “Get the Job Done”.

“Crave No Heaven, Fear No Hell” was a statement first made during the Centauri blockade and something our crew members still echo to this very day. Because to be pilot or crew with EXYGEN, requires this type of attitude and approach. Our people are not spoken about on the News services and they do not get shiny pieces of metal to pin on their chest, nor do they want them. They have seen the conditions that the frontier offers and the struggles that these pioneers endure. So, because of this, they consider their role as making things a little bit easier, a little bit safer and a little less daunting for those that travel the undiscovered path.




Exogenous, refers to an action or object coming from outside a system. This essentially describes the activities our founders first engaged in back during the Centauri blockade. We bring in supplies and services from outside your system, to you.

The company name, EXYGEN, is derived from this root word and the tag-line “TO SURVIVE OUT THERE, YOU NEED EXYGEN is a play on its similarity to the word, “Oxygen”.

Our customers are usually on the fringes of know space and also in some of the more adventurous areas of the galaxy. Some require a little more discretion, while others are pleased to create a whole lot of commotion. We take on jobs of all sizes and importance and can ensure that they are carried out promptly and with a minimum of fuss, or a whole lot of fuss, if such is required.

EXYGEN is comprised of 6 divisions which encompass a broad range of operations, to be able to best serve our customer’s needs.

  • EXYGEN SECURITY SOLUTIONS provides security services, equipment and personnel for use in areas such as,
    • Property and Personal Protection.
    • Transport and Shipping Escort.
    • Colony and Facility Security.
    • Pirate Infestation Problems.
  • EXYGEN TRADING & COMMERCE trades in manufactured goods, resources and technologies. We provide the link between those that are the suppliers in these commodities, to those that required them, throughout dozens of systems in the galaxy. Although human sourced items are the mainstay of our business, we also specialise in non-human items, some of which may be quite difficult to come by.
  • EXYGEN SHIPPING & LOGISTICS is your solution if you have something that needs to get from “Here” to “There”. We will ship almost1 any item, from almost1 anywhere, to almost1 anywhere, spanning the entire galaxy and beyond.
  • EXYGEN EXPLORATION & SALVAGE endeavours to discover unexplored systems and worlds, so as to open up new mining and trade opportunities for those seeking the frontier lifestyle. We also reclaim items of value from derelict ships, deserted colonies and abandoned mining operations to connect them with new owners that may then put them to good use.
  • EXYGEN MINING & RESOURCES is a division that is diversified into a number of areas, from mineral extraction to hydrogen collection and refining. The efficiency of our facilities and processes is unrivalled, given that we have invested in and developed some of the most state-of-the-art technologies in this sector.
  • EXYGEN ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS offers engineering services to help repair, maintain and run facilities such as,
    • Ships and Base Stations.
    • Production and Mining Operations.
    • Planet Side Operation and Life Support Equipment.

All of our divisions can and do work in co-operation with one another, to ensure that our customers get the best possible outcome for their investment.

So, if you require a partner to help with these types of services and operations, in some of the less hospitable systems out there, then please do contact us, as we would be delighted to speak with you.


1 For legal reasons we have had to add the “almost” disclaimer to the above statement, because of past requests to round up the entire U.E.E. regime and its bureaucracy, then deposit them in the farthest black hole in the galaxy. This would be the equivalent of rounding up all the cockroaches on planet Earth and flushing them down a toilet. Although this is theoretically possible, practicality makes this a monumental task. Besides, we may be dumping them on to some unsuspecting version of reality, where they could potentially wreak even more havoc than they do here.



We admire the spirit of those that push boundaries, those that fly uncharted space and those that settle inhospitable worlds. We understand that living life on the edge of known space is perilous and every day is an extreme challenge. This is why we do, what we do.

Our role is to ensure that these pioneers have a chance and that their efforts see some reward. We hope that by supporting their endeavours, they get to experience some of the recognition that they deserve.

So, with this in mind, when we engage new pilots and crew to join our company, we look past the timid and the wannabe heroes. We look for a character that has balls, without the need for an authoritarian uniform. Someone who has the courage to stand alone, against the whole galaxy if need be, but does not shout about it or boast about how tough they are.

These are the type of people that can “Get the Job Done”.

These are the type of people that “Crave No Heaven, Fear No Hell”.

The statement on our Recruitment page reads,

“If you wanna play the hero, go join the military.
If you wanna make a difference, welcome to EXYGEN.”

(But once you’re done with the military, come back and join EXYGEN)

This is what we’re about.



If you read our History and Charter, you may feel as though we sound more like a charity, rather than a company that offers products and services in trade. Well, if you live life based on the concept of charity, then you see those that you give charity to as second-class individuals.

When you trade with another individual, you approach them as an equal, who has something of value to offer. When you see someone as a charity case, you see them as having nothing of value to offer.

When asked about the issue of charity, one of our original founders was quoted as saying,

“Charity slowly robs a man of his dignity and self-esteem,
thus once you have stolen it all,
you have taken everything of value he has.”


Now, if you accept that trade is a respectable and civilised way for individuals to interact, then consider this.

Government does not trade with you. Government makes demands of you.

Government may go to the effort of putting on a caring smiley face while making those demands, or they may dispense with the pretence altogether and just put a gun to your head. But either way, the demands are the same.

In this light, how do you think the U.E.E. and its agents see you?


Some may still reply,

“No, no, no, government is there to protect and serve me.”

Government’s role IS NOT to protect or serve you. Government’s role is to create dependency. The more dependent you are on government, the more power government has over you.

The tool of “Government” is the means through which the few claim authority over the many.


“Yes Sir! How High Sir?”

There are those that think the military teaches discipline. The military teaches obedience, not discipline. These two things are not the same.

Self-discipline is a very powerful quality. Obedience is the realm of domesticated dogs.

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals
to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”
Henry Kissinger (20th Century politician of the once United States of America)

To the self-anointed “elites” who control the U.E.E., military personnel are little more than cannon fodder. Something cheap to throw at an enemy’s laser round or blast cannon.


On the one hand, you have pirates. On the other, you have the U.E.E.

In essence, they are both the same thing.

The only real difference being, is that the U.E.E. has managed to convince you that they have authority over you.

Pirates have not yet been successful in doing so.


A question that must also be asked is,

To what degree do elements within and around the U.E.E. covertly support pirate activity?

Why would they do this?

So as to create the political P.R. opportunity to take control of outlining systems and ensure the continued submission of complaint worlds.


There will always, always, always be groups and individuals that desire to control, manipulate and have authority over others. It is only a question of whether they do this on a small or a large scale.

When we sign on to the idea of “Government” it may well be with the very best intentions, but as the old saying goes,

“The road to Hell is paved with good intentions”.

By creating an institution which claims authority over everyone and is backed up with the threat of violence, we are creating a honey pot for those that lust political power.

We are giving them the ultimate tool/weapon to dominate, all wrapped up in this veil of legitimacy called, “For the public good”.

The real political power in the U.E.E. is not in the position of Imperator, it is in those that created and now control the position.

The power of the throne is not in the King, but in the King makers.


“Power tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
John Dalberg-Acton (A.K.A., Lord Acton)

This statement is absurd, although the sentiment is understood.

It would be more accurate to rephrase it this way,

“Political power tends to corrupt and
absolute political power corrupts absolutely.”

Political power is about power over others. Political power is an illusion crafted by those that wish to dominate others. Another can only have power over you, if you submit to them.

Real power comes from the individual. It is power over Oneself and One’s own life.

One does not come close to touching real, absolute power until One becomes incorruptible.

While you are corruptible you are corrupting the very power that emanates from you.

So, what is corrupting you, you may ask…?



Those that are weak in real power and are highly ambitious, will seek political power. They will use any means necessary, including deception and violence, to get it, retain it and expand it.

Those that are strong in real power, are Masters of their own destiny. They do not require the obedience of others to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.


True Leaders vs Political Rulers

Rulers are not the same as Leaders. Rulers tell you what to do, Leaders show you.

True leaders lead by example and recognise the sovereignty of the individual. They are not voted upon, they do not speak for others and they do not require the obedience of others. Instead, others seek them out for guidance and wise council.

True leadership has no hierarchy.

Political rulers are installed by coercion/force or voted for by members of the collective. By extension, they claim to speak for every member of the collective and their authority is based on the threat of retaliation or even violence.

They also issue commandments that other members of the group must follow, such as which enemies to fight, but often exempt themselves from such inconveniences.

Leadership is a quality that an individual has. It IS NOT something inherent to an organisational structure. Political systems want to convince you that it IS inherent to the organisational structure.

Positions within an organisational structure are positions of responsibility, NOT positions of leadership.

Having citizens vote for their political rulers is now the preferred method of operation that the U.E.E. practises, as it gives citizens the delusional impression that they have a say in the functioning of the empire. This is often referred to as “Democracy”.

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule. Those that rule the mob, control the mob.


There are religions that talk about Heaven and Hell and they inform us that both are found in opposite directions to one another. This is a false and deliberate diversion. Hell is what stands between where you are now and Heaven. Heaven is also open to everyone, but YOU need to find the courage and a way to get there.

You may also be surprised at what and where Heaven and Hell are. They are not “Out there” or “Up there” or “Down there”. They are not found outside of your own Being, but are states of your own psyche.

Hell is a simple equation, it is the sum total of all your deepest and most intense fears, multiplied by a lot.

Heaven is the peace you will find, when you have explored and understood every facet of this equation.

“The cause of insanity, is the denial of legitimate suffering.”
Carl Gustav Jung?

Intense suffering will come while engaging your fears, but from this suffering something new is born; courage, resilience, a greater understanding, a deeper sense of Self; until the final realisation.

Organised religions are part of the control mechanism, they are there to distract and divert you from following your true path home. Because once you have made it back, you can never be anyone’s slave.


Truth will not leave you in peace, until you have the courage to face and accept it.

For more information, visit A Beautiful Aching
