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Fediverse Explorers / FEDIVX

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

“Ad coniungere omni sidere” – To Connect Every Constellation

Fediverse Explorers is a dedicated community in Star Citizens for members of The Fediverse – the free-wheeling ad-hoc communications network that leverages the Web as a social network.


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We believe in creating a group that aligns with the same core principles of building the next generation of the Internet. Namely, those principles involve inclusiveness, self-awareness, and a willingness to explore together.

The Fediverse Explorers Manifesto is simple:

  1. Forging Connections – Whether it’s on the ‘verse, in the Fediverse, or AFK, every member here is their own person, with their own values, from their own walk of life. We exist together in this space under the common goal of meeting people, strengthening our network, and discovering new ways to look at the Universe together.


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