Fenrir Operations Group / FENRIRSC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Resources

Fenrir Operations Group was formed to offer various solutions to those individuals or organizations in need, from protection services and force projection to bounty hunting. Contact us today to get assistance!

Actively recruiting new members!

Please join us at https://discord.gg/fenriropsgrp


Established in 2954 by officers who departed from their former organization, Fenrir Operations Group aims to create a brighter future and a clear path to success. Our mission is to offer protection services, force projection, bounty hunting, and other security solutions to lawful UEE organizations and citizens. We collaborate with UEE forces to enforce laws and combat piracy. As a young organization, we are committed to expanding our membership to enhance the experience for both clients and members alike.



In the ever-expanding reach of the United Empire of Earth, Fenrir Operations Group stand as the premier choice for comprehensive security solutions. Specializing in safeguarding trade routes, personnel, and confidential operations, our mission is to ensure the safety and success of our clients. We provide unwavering protection against pirates, terrorists, and other threats, leveraging the best weaponry, spacecraft and expertly trained personnel to uphold the highest standards of security.

Our commitment to excellence is demonstrated through our relentless vigilance and strategic approach to threat prevention and response. Whether escorting valuable cargo across hazardous sectors or securing sensitive operations in high-risk environments, we employ state-of-the-art systems and tactics to mitigate risks and neutralize dangers. Our team’s dedication to maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of our clients’ missions is unmatched, providing peace of mind and enabling seamless operations in the most volatile regions of space.

At Fenrir Operations Group, we understand that in a universe fraught with peril, trust is paramount. Our reputation is built on a foundation of reliability, professionalism, and an unwavering commitment to our clients’ safety. We are not just a security provider; we are partners in ensuring that the forces of piracy, terrorism, and worse are met with decisive and effective action. With Fenrir by your side, you can navigate the stars with confidence, knowing that your security is in the hands of the best.

Fenrir Operations Group
Elite Tactics. Real Results!


The following Rules are agreed to by joining the org and are to be observed by everyone, especially Staff.

Ignorance to the rules is NOT a viable defense. Everyone will be treated as if they have read and understand the following rules.

Failure to follow or attempting to circumvent any of these rules gives our Staff the right to verbally warn, mute, kick, or (in extreme cases) even ban anyone engaged in such behavior. (Note: Additionally, if our staff observes anyone in a distressed or excessively inebriated state, they may temporarily mute them until it is determined that the person in question has returned to their normal self)

Any behavior you observe by members of this discord while OUTSIDE of this discord (ie on Youtube or X) are not our concern. If what they are doing violates that platform’s rules, please use the tools available on that specific platform to report or address the issue. This includes actions taken ingame when the person in question is not participating in activities within the discord(Please see the note at the end of rule #6 for an exception to this).

Any tips or ideas for improving the discord or Org, they should be posted in suggestions.

  1. Real Life Comes First.

We recognize that real-life responsibilities and commitments take precedence over gaming. Members should prioritize their personal, professional, and family obligations above gaming activities, and should never be made to feel there is an expectation to be available here at the expense of IRL responsibilities.

  1. Be respectful and kind to each other.

We are all here to play games and have fun. Excessive hostility or demeaning remarks toward others will not be tolerated. (Note: We understand that friends joke and give each other shit, just be sure to pay attention to social cues to make certain such things are mutually enjoyed.)

  1. No drama in the chat.

If you find yourself in an argument that needs to be resolved but is not appropriately civil for the discord (See rule #2) We ask that you take any drama/beef to PM’s or to block/ignore the person if you feel it is necessary. (Note: It does not matter who “started” an argument. The important thing is to state you are moving the conversation to PM’s/are done with the conversation. And immediately stop responding.)

  1. No NSFW, illegal, or TOS-violating content.

No pornography, gratuitous violence, alcohol/drug abuse, or any other content that is considered Illegal in the jurisdiction where you live, or that violates the terms of service of Discord/Star Citizen.

  1. No spamming or excessive images/memes/GIF’s.

Do not spam post, or flood any of the chats with unrelated or excessive text and images/memes/GIF’s. (Note: Our media channel is specifically for screenshots, videos and other related content. Please feel free to share as much as you like in there!)

  1. No killing/crimestating/giving info on fellow members ingame.

Unless agreed prior to the action taking place, please refrain from any action ingame that would negatively impact your fellow members. (Note: This is the only exception to the above rule regarding members actions taken while playing outside of the discord. When members organically find each other in the Verse, they are free to engage with each other in whatever manner they chose. BUT if the discord is utilized by a party to find, harass, or otherwise receive and distribute info on our members, severe action will be taken.)