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Remitar's Journals / FIP

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Don’t forget who you really are. And I’m not talking about your so-called real name. All names are made up by someone else, even the one your parents gave you.
You know who you really are. Don’t lose touch with that person deep inside you, or else you won’t really have survived at all.


My name is Remitar De’Vanqui and I’m the owner and operator of Remitar’s Journals, formally Finch Initiative Partnership. I travel the ‘verse and chronicle my adventures.

To give you a little bit of my background, I worked for several years at the Hawat Information Conglomerate as a research specialist and lead analyst at Division 26. It was a good and rewarding time, so I thought, but there was something missing, something lacking in my mind, heart, and soul. After being relieved of my contractual obligations in 2944, I wandered around the verse, with no focus or goal. After a few missteps and a Jericho moment at the beginning of 2953, I decided to start anew. I sever ties with orgs I associated with and ultimately disbanded my old organization and created a new one, reflecting the truer path of my goal.

I’m a bit of a jack of all trades; a little bit of trading to pay the bills, some exploring the mysteries of the universe, a little bit of adrenaline on the speedway, Zen of salvage, rescue ships in distress, and conflict resolution. All this and more will be chronicled in my journals.

My “family” resides at Orison on Crusader now. I visit as much as I’m able, but I’m a child of the stars and I roam where the winds take me.

One person who has become part of my extended family is Jacqui Kaul. Jacqui was born on Severus (Keil III) on June 19, 2908. Jacqui was not a part of the Takagi Turks, which was part of my younger, wilder days, but her sister was. Her sister, Wyndale Kaul, died at 37. Wyndale was a research scientist, after her Takagi Turks days, and succumb to the same disease she was doing research on. Jacqui reached out to me years ago. She wanted to know more about her sister, as she was estranged and the two hasn’t talked for almost 10 years before she died. I was doing through my own rough patch, and reminiscing about her sister, both worked through their separate grief.

Through the years, we have become like siblings. Jacqui is a bit of non-conformist, like her sister, and I has taken the role as older brother. Some scrapes Jacqui has gotten into, I have come her aid, sometime monetarily, sometimes with advice, sometimes with force. When I was attacked and stranded in the Nyx system, Jacqui mounted a rescue mission to Nyx and rescued me.

As of the beginning of 2953, Jacqui was recognized as part of my organization, and Jacqui made me part of hers.


Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes … the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules … You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things … They push humanity forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.


There isn’t a charter because this is a one-person operation. Everything goes through me; I am the chairman of the board, financial officer, and distribution coordinator.