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  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

No man has ever reached or gone beyond the horizon. Join us, and we shall fulfil that life long dream! No particular requirements needed.


Coming out very soon


Page Under Construction. Please check back soon!


Laws concerning the conduct within the organisation:
These laws are not to be fully respected until a fairly high amount of players has joined! This will be updated when that happens!
Additionally, We do not really care about the rules that much, we just want everyone to have fun.

If these laws are not respected by any member that is part of the organisation, there will be a jury appointed in order to deal with the situation at hand and therefore will be dealt with appropriately. Any complaints concerning anything about the organisation should be given to either a Chief Innovation Officer or a Chief of Staff and afterwards be judged by the specific people responsible for these roles.
The organisation is free for anyone to apply and join. However there is a filtering system to get rid of unwanted negative applicants. The Chief Innovation Officers are the ones responsible for this task.
The organisation will be split into groups decided by the four officials. The original four groups decided will be:
The traders group (trading, smuggling and harvesting)
The protection/offensive group (protection for traders (not necessarily ours) and recovery of lost goods (revenge) as well as bounty hunting)
The exploration group (discovery of new jump points (and planets) and mapping as well as check the prices at planets for the traders)
The freelancing group (all kind of activities except piracy)
These can be modified if necessary and are open to suggestion from members.
Anyone who agrees to part take in a certain activity that benefits the organisation must also take part in it. If the person does not take part then the punishment will be decided by a jury as explained above.
Any member of the organisation should contribute a minimum amount to the organisation. The more contribution provide by a specific player or group in the corporation the higher their increase in rank will be.
Members must not do anything that could potentially harm the organisation such as piracy. Any drastic action must first be questioned rank four or higher.
Members are not required to take part in guild activities the whole time they are playing the game as long as their actions do not hurt the reputation or status of the corporation.
The Chief Innovation Officer or the Chief of Staff can nominate a person to judge in their position. However, this must be done officially and any harm caused to the organisation due to the judging will be blamed on the nominee and not the nominator.
In order to become a chief, one must be at the rank of dignitary and must receive approval from each of the board members (one of each category (founder reserves the right to veto the decision however)). Additionally, a Chief of staff can recommend a member to become a Chief Officer, however at least three chief officers must agree with the decision in order for the member to be promoted.
The ranks of each player will be decided by the Chief of Staff or the Chief Executive Officer.
If a Chief Officer or a regular member has an idea that could benefit the organisation, then a small planning must be proposed to the chief officers (not required to be long, as long as most of the details are included it will be considered) and approved by one of each of the executives.
The groups that were explained above will have their own hierarchy to be assigned by the members that are part of that group but should be approved by a chief officer.
The Chief of Staff is not allowed to remove another senior member with the exception that if the Chief Executive officer or one of the founders gives permission for the action.