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Frontier Observations Group / FOBSG

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Scouting

“The strong man is the one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the senses and the mind.” – Napoleon Bonaparte


In the year 2942, a cadre of distinguished veterans from the United Empire of Earth (UEE) Navy’s special forces sought to extend their service beyond the military. United by a shared vision, they founded a Private Military Company (PMC) known as the Frontier Observations Group (FOG).

Comprising elite operatives with extensive experience in covert operations, orbital drop assaults, and various specialized fields, the founders of FOG set out to establish a company grounded in principles of honor, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the UEE’s citizens.

The early years of FOG were marked by contracts ranging from escort missions to anti-piracy operations and high-risk security details. Drawing on their special forces background, the members of FOG swiftly gained a reputation for excellence in handling intricate and perilous assignments. Their ability to adapt and excel in diverse scenarios attracted the attention of corporations, governments, and private individuals throughout the UEE.

As FOG’s influence expanded, so did its roster of highly skilled professionals. Former UEE Navy pilots, intelligence operatives, and engineers joined the ranks, enriching the company with a broad spectrum of expertise. FOG extended its operations beyond the borders of the UEE, accepting contracts in remote regions of space, from the outskirts of Vanduul territory to the lawless sectors of the Stanton system.

One of FOG’s defining moments unfolded during the Vanduul War, where the PMC played a crucial role in repelling Vanduul incursions on the fringes of UEE space. FOG’s elite teams executed surgical strikes, gathered intelligence, and conducted covert operations that significantly contributed to the UEE’s defense efforts. Their dedication to protecting humanity earned them respect and recognition, not only from the UEE but also from grateful colonists on the war-torn frontlines.

In the post-war era, FOG diversified its services to include search and rescue operations, exploration support, and scientific endeavors. The company invested heavily in cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring its operatives remained at the forefront of the ever-evolving security landscape.

Frontier Observations Group became synonymous with reliability and professionalism in the dynamic universe of Star Citizen. The legacy of its founders, rooted in the UEE Navy’s special forces, continued to shape the company’s values. Today, FOG stands tall as a symbol of honor, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who served in the United Empire of Earth Navy and chose to carve out a new destiny among the stars.


Manifesto of the Frontier Observations Group (FOG): Defenders of Honor and Guardians of the Stars


In the year 2942, a group of seasoned veterans, bound by duty and propelled by a shared vision, founded the Frontier Observations Group (FOG) on the hallowed principles of honor, integrity, and an unyielding commitment to the protection of the United Empire of Earth’s citizens. As Guardians of the Stars, we, the members of FOG, solemnly pledge to uphold these principles and forge a legacy that echoes through the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Founding Principles

Honor and Integrity: At the heart of FOG lies an unwavering commitment to honor and integrity. We recognize that the trust bestowed upon us by our clients, partners, and the citizens of the UEE is sacred. Our actions, both in times of peace and conflict, shall reflect the highest standards of ethical conduct, ensuring the preservation of honor in all endeavors.

Dedication to Service: Drawing upon our backgrounds as elite operatives in the UEE Navy’s special forces, we dedicate ourselves to the service of humanity. Whether in the protection of trade routes, the defense of colonies, or the pursuit of knowledge in uncharted territories, FOG stands ready to serve with unwavering dedication and commitment.

Adaptability and Excellence: FOG thrives on adaptability and excellence. Our roots in special forces operations have instilled in us the ability to excel in diverse and challenging situations. From escort missions to covert operations, FOG operatives embody the spirit of adaptability, ensuring the success of every mission undertaken.

FOG in Action

Vanguard of Security: FOG stands as the vanguard of security in the ever-expanding frontiers of space. Our commitment to safeguarding the UEE and its citizens is unwavering. We confront piracy, Vanduul threats, and lawlessness head-on, ensuring the safety and prosperity of all those who call the stars their home.

Expansion Beyond Borders: FOG extends its operations beyond the borders of the UEE, exploring uncharted regions and undertaking missions in the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Our reach knows no bounds, as we embrace the challenges of the unknown and contribute to the advancement of humanity’s understanding of the universe.

Legacy of Valor: FOG’s legacy is one of valor and selflessness. Our role in the defense against Vanduul incursions during the war serves as a testament to our commitment. The sacrifices made by FOG operatives echo in the annals of history, reminding all that we are guardians who stand firm in the face of adversity.

The Future of FOG

Innovation and Advancement: FOG embraces innovation and the relentless pursuit of advancement. Investing in cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment, we ensure that FOG operatives remain at the forefront of the evolving security landscape, ever ready to face new challenges and opportunities.

Symbol of Honor: Frontier Observations Group has become a symbol of honor and professionalism in the Star Citizen universe. As we move forward, our commitment to these principles will remain steadfast, guiding our actions and shaping the destiny of FOG for generations to come.

Heading SixIn signing this manifesto, we, the members of the Frontier Observations Group, pledge our lives and expertise to the protection, prosperity, and honor of the United Empire of Earth. As Guardians of the Stars, we stand united, resolute, and ever vigilant. Through our actions, the legacy of FOG shall endure, casting a luminous beacon across the cosmic tapestry.


Charter of the Frontier Observations Group (FOG): Forging a Legacy in the Cosmos


We, the undersigned members of the Frontier Observations Group (FOG), united in purpose and bound by a commitment to the principles of honor, integrity, and service, hereby establish this charter to guide our actions, uphold our values, and ensure the enduring legacy of FOG in the vast expanse of the Star Citizen universe.

Heading SixArticle I: Name and Mission

Section 1.1: Name
The organization shall be known as the Frontier Observations Group, hereafter referred to as FOG.

Section 1.2: Mission
FOG is dedicated to safeguarding the United Empire of Earth (UEE) and its citizens through the provision of elite security and exploration services. Our mission encompasses a commitment to honor, adaptability, and excellence in all endeavors.

Article II: Founding Principles

Section 2.1: Honor and Integrity
FOG members shall conduct themselves with the utmost honor and integrity, both in the line of duty and in their interactions with clients, partners, and fellow members. Trust is the foundation of our organization, and it shall be preserved at all costs.

Section 2.2: Dedication to Service
Members of FOG pledge unwavering dedication to the service of humanity, applying their skills and expertise to protect trade routes, colonies, and to explore uncharted territories in the pursuit of knowledge.

Section 2.3: Adaptability and Excellence
FOG embraces adaptability and excellence in all missions. Members shall undergo continuous training to ensure their ability to excel in diverse and challenging situations, upholding the reputation of FOG as an elite organization.

Article III: Operations

Section 3.1: Vanguard of Security
FOG shall serve as the vanguard of security, confronting piracy, Vanduul threats, and lawlessness to ensure the safety and prosperity of the UEE and its citizens.

Section 3.2: Expansion Beyond Borders
FOG shall extend its operations beyond the borders of the UEE, undertaking missions in uncharted regions and contributing to the advancement of humanity’s understanding of the universe.

Article IV: Legacy and Valor

Section 4.1: Legacy of Valor
FOG recognizes and honors the legacy of valor established by its founders and early members during the Vanduul War. The sacrifices made during this time shall serve as a testament to the dedication and bravery inherent in every FOG operative.

Article V: Innovation and Advancement

Section 5.1: Investment in Technology
FOG shall invest in cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring that its operatives remain at the forefront of the evolving security landscape.

Article VI: Symbol of Honor

Section 6.1: Professionalism
FOG shall maintain its status as a symbol of honor and professionalism in the Star Citizen universe. Members shall conduct themselves with dignity, respecting the legacy of FOG and upholding its reputation.

Article VII: Amendments

This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the FOG Leadership Council. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and distributed to all members at least 30 days prior to the vote.

Article VIII: Ratification

This charter is hereby ratified by the founding members of the Frontier Observations Group on this [date], signifying our commitment to its principles and the enduring legacy of FOG in the cosmos.

[Signatures of Founding Members]