Frontier Express / FRONTIEREX

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

It’s Your Galaxy, We’ll Keep it Running on Time.


Frontier Express began as a loose association of independent freelancers who operated on the edges of known space. In those early lawless days, knowing your wingman was the difference between life and becoming flotsam. As the years passed, the organization became more formal in its organization renaming itself the Frontier Trades Guild. Membership continued to swell as freelancers across the Empire sought the protection, expertise, and association of membership. In those times, Member trusted members and contracts were made with only a handshake.

In 2675, the UEE announced Project FarStar – the settlement of humanity’s furthest colony on Orion III. Project FarStar required logistics unseen since the discovery of Jump Points in the 2271. With the settlement of Orion III, or Armitage as it would come to be known, humanity had reached further into the stars than ever before. Until now, expansion had been bureaucratic: conservative, incremental and perpetually lagging behind the pioneers and homesteaders who reached ever deeper into the stars.

FarStar was such a radical departure from the piecemeal expansion, the Core World companies of Earth and Terra were ill-equipped for such a venture. The logistics requires for a successful settlement on Armitage could only be done by the members of the Frontier Trades Guild, but in order to receive UEE contracts they would need to formalize in the eyes of the Earth-based bureaucrats.

The Frontier Trades Guild incorporated into Frontier Express and UEE contracts in-hand, our ships were the first civilian ships to arrive at Armitage. Our member-workers built the colony, provided security, and assured that despite the great physical distance of space that home always felt close. Frontier Express became the premier supplier to Armitage, while at the same time Frontier Express continued to facilitate humanity’s ever-expanding frontiers.

August 9, 2681. While no one alive on that day remains, we all know this day as Armitage Day. The day that humanity met the Vanduul and the day that war began. The Vanduul Massacre on Armitage bound humanity to a new course, but it did not change Frontier Express whose members continued bravely in the duty of their contracts and to the citizens of Armitage. While our Core-based competitors tore their contracts citing ‘unforeseen circumstances’, we at Frontier Express doubled-down expanding our services to providing training of Armitage’s militia and participating in patrols and colony defense.

In 2863, the UEE officially abandoned Armitage, following the near-constant raids from the Vanduul that year. The UEE’s quiet decision, left thousands of colonists stranded and at the mercy of Vanduul raids. Frontier Express’ members volunteered to run emergency aid and evacuees from the Orion system. In December of that year, the final evacuation convoy made entirely of Frontier Express ships, lifted from the scarred surface of Armitage, we took with us the last of the colonists willing to leave their homes and dreams behind.

Through our nearly 300 year history, we’ve continued to follow in the footsteps of the brave explorers and pioneers – the brave mean and women who throughout history have pushed the boundaries of humanity’s reach. Like them, we at Frontier Express will never stop, never settle. We believe humanity’s future is stretched in front of us, not at our backs. We’ll always be right behind the trailblazers, the pathfinders, and the adventurers that keep humanity and the galaxy moving forward.

We’re Frontier Express.


We know the frontier. We are the frontier. We at Frontier Express know well the dangers and opportunity that exist only on the edges of the known galaxy. We know that the future of humanity lies on the frontier of today.

Our competitors, based mainly in the Coreworlds, think a laser pistol at their side is all that is needed to do business on the frontier. No doubt from the decadent Skytowers of Earth or Terra, a pistol may seem like all that separates those building future of humanity on the borders of known space and those who have stayed behind merely to reap the rewards.

We at Frontier Express know what life is like out here. Since our founding nearly 300 years ago we have moved our headquarters seven times and always towards the future out there.

Why should we stop when humanity never does? The frontier is in our blood and our commitment to those who choose the harder life has been the foundation that made us the company we are today. We bring the goods that keep the lifeblood of humanity moving, we build the infrastructure that keeps humanity growing, and we provide the strength that keeps humanity secure.

Ancient Earth philosopher Herodotus, spoke of an order of couriers that were “stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.” While we see ourselves in the same light, Frontier Express is much more than a courier service.

In our ranks you will find traders, mechanics, pilots, bounty hunters, engineers, diplomats, mercenaries, explorers and all manner of other professions all bound by a singular code – to fulfill the agreed upon contract at any cost. But we do not face our challenges alone, any brother or sister can be called upon to assist in the successful completion of a contract. Our corporation is built on cooperation. Your contract with a Frontier Express member is backed up by all the members of Frontier Express whether it be delivering goods in timely fashion, finding a better source for materials, negotiating mining rights from Xi’an locals, or breaking through a pirate blockade. Your contract is safe with us and you can trust our knowledge, professionalism and discretion.

Xi’An? Banu? Tevarin? No problem.

We’ve brokered deals and built lasting relationships not just across the stars but between the races of known-space. It is said we’ve even had successful dealings with the Vanduul. While we won’t comment on rumors, we will remind you of our legendary discretion that has made us one of the most respected organizations operating on the frontier. Exolinguistics and Xenoanthropology aren’t just fancy terms for egg-heads on Terra, they’re essential tools of the trade for us at Frontier Express.

At Frontier Express, we believe that if opportunity doesn’t knock, then you build a door.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.