General Logistics, Incorporated / GENLOG

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Welcome to General Logistics, Inc. Feel free to browse around to gain a better understanding of our salvaging, trading, and cargo hauling offerings. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via MobiGlass.


Founded in 2954, General Logistics started as a vision between two unlikely, yet ambitious citizens, Chase Comacho and Teddy Foyle. With years of experience in industrial salvage, cargo hauling, and trade between the two, they saw an opportunity to create an adaptable organization to serve the people between Stanton and Pyro. The mission was simple: provide reliable, simple services and solutions in systems where bureaucracy and red tape block nearly every path.

Operating out of Lorville on Hurston, the company has already started to carve out its niche. Focusing on industrial salvage, trading, and cargo hauling, GL takes pride on being willing to take on the jobs others can’t – or won’t. Whether it be recovering valuable materials from dangerous wrecks or transporting goods on teh most dangerous of routes, Chase, Teddy, and the GL crew have built the organization on the foundation of reliability, creativity, and usually most importantly, discretion.

Though new to the scene, GL is rapidly building its reputation as a company that gets results. No matter what it is, the team is committed to living up to their slogan: “Get it there. Get it done.”


At General Logistics, we believe the Stanton and Pyro systems are overflowing with opportunity for those bold enough to seize it. We were founded on the principle that no challenge is insurmountable, no cargo too risky, and no salvage too far gone. Ours is a commitment to ingenuity, determination, and action—values that drive us every time we fire up our engines and head into the unknown.

Our Principles:

  1. Adaptability Above All:
    Every job is different. Every route has its risks. But whether it’s navigating Pyro’s lawless sectors or threading the corporate gauntlet of Stanton, we adapt, innovate, and deliver.
  2. Reliability You Can Trust:
    Promises mean nothing without results. We take pride in doing what we say we’ll do, no matter the odds. When you choose General Logistics, you choose a partner who gets it done—on time, every time.
  3. Discretion is Key:
    In our line of work, details can mean the difference between success and disaster. That’s why we keep our clients’ business theirs and ours quiet. You can trust us to protect your interests as fiercely as we protect our own.
  4. Risk is the Job:
    If it was easy, everyone would do it. From salvaging derelict ships in dangerous sectors to hauling goods through unstable jump points, we thrive where others falter. The more daunting the task, the more determined we are to see it through.
  5. Crew Comes First:
    General Logistics isn’t just a company; it’s a crew. We succeed together, watch each other’s backs, and face every challenge as a team. Loyalty and trust are our greatest assets, and we never compromise on either.

Our Mission:

To be the go-to solution for salvage, cargo hauling, and trade in the Stanton and Pyro systems. We aim to carve out a legacy as pioneers in an unpredictable universe, solving problems others shy away from with creativity, courage, and conviction.

We don’t just take on jobs — we take on challenges. We don’t just promise — we deliver.

Our Motto:

“Get it there. Get it done.”

This is more than a business; it’s a way of life. At General Logistics, we’re not just moving cargo—we’re moving forward, one challenge at a time.


Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1.1 – Name
The name of this organization shall be General Logistics (hereafter referred to as “GL”).

Section 1.2 – Purpose
General Logistics is established to provide industrial salvage, cargo hauling, and trade solutions across the Stanton and Pyro systems. We exist to serve our clients with adaptability, discretion, and unwavering reliability, thriving in environments where others refuse to operate.


Article II: Core Values

Section 2.1 – Adaptability
GL will adjust to any challenge, environment, or job. Our methods evolve, but our commitment to results remains constant.

Section 2.2 – Reliability
We do what we say we’ll do. Deadlines and deliverables will always be met, regardless of obstacles.

Section 2.3 – Discretion
Client confidentiality is paramount. No details leave GL without explicit consent.

Section 2.4 – Bold Action
We embrace risk as part of the job. Dangerous sectors, difficult salvage, or sensitive cargo—we face every task head-on.

Section 2.5 – Loyalty to Crew
General Logistics is a family. We value trust, teamwork, and shared success above all else.


Article III: Organizational Structure

Section 3.1 – Founders
The Founders of General Logistics are Chase Camacho and Teddy Foyle. As founding members, they are responsible for guiding the company’s vision, strategic growth, and overall operations.

Section 3.2 – Operational Hierarchy
Founders – Final decision-makers and overseers of all operations.
Crew Leads – Senior members who manage specific operations, including salvage missions, trade runs, and cargo logistics.
Crew Members – The backbone of GL operations, responsible for executing jobs, maintaining equipment, and ensuring missions succeed.

Section 3.3 – Independent Contractors
GL reserves the right to hire trusted independent contractors on a per-job basis to assist with specialized tasks outside regular crew capacities.


Article IV: Operations

Section 4.1 – Salvage Operations
GL will actively identify and recover derelict ships, valuable wreckage, and industrial materials. All salvage operations will comply with applicable local regulations where possible—or be conducted with appropriate caution where they do not.

Section 4.2 – Cargo Hauling
GL will accept cargo transport contracts of any kind, provided the task aligns with the organization’s values and logistical capability. Sensitivity of cargo is not a disqualifier.

Section 4.3 – Trade
GL engages in system-to-system trade, primarily between Stanton and Pyro. The organization will seize opportunities to move goods where demand exists, legally or otherwise, while maintaining operational discretion.

Section 4.4 – Decision to Accept Jobs
The Founders, Crew Leads, or designated representatives will determine the viability of all contracts. Jobs will be weighed against risk, payout, and crew capacity.


Article V: Code of Conduct

Section 5.1 – Professionalism
All crew members are expected to uphold GL’s reputation for reliability, creativity, and efficiency. Actions that compromise the company’s operations or standing will not be tolerated.

Section 5.2 – Loyalty
Loyalty to the crew is loyalty to GL. Members must support one another in all operations, on and off the clock.

Section 5.3 – Confidentiality
Crew members shall not discuss or disclose sensitive job details, cargo manifests, or operational plans to unauthorized parties.

Section 5.4 – Risk and Reward
GL accepts dangerous work. Members are expected to understand and prepare for the risks associated with salvage and trade operations in volatile regions.


Article VI: Membership

Section 6.1 – Recruitment
New members must demonstrate competence, reliability, and an understanding of GL’s values. All recruitment decisions require approval from a Founder or Crew Lead.

Section 6.2 – Expectations
Crew members are expected to contribute to missions, maintain equipment, and uphold GL’s professional standards.

Section 6.3 – Dismissal
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct or repeated operational negligence may result in dismissal, as determined by the Founders or Crew Leads.


Article VII: Slogan

“Get it there. Get it done.”

This slogan reflects General Logistics’ commitment to efficiency, adaptability, and delivering results where others cannot.


Enacted in the Year 2954
Signed by Founders: Chase Camacho & Teddy Foyle