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Roberts Space Industries ®

Bearchester Squidicorns Narsquid Squad / GGRIT

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

If you want to find other scrubs at RIT (or are alums) who play this glorious game Star Citizen, set us as an affiliate (or as a real org, idgaf.).

Might actually make this shitshow a real org (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.

Our organization’s history. Super awesome history of bearchester squidicornia.

Praise be to Destler and his omnipotent weather machine.


On a serious note.

As far as I’m concerned, this is just here to be a place to see who else plays Star Citizen at RIT. If we get enough people here, I might actually put in the time to set up logistics and make this shit a real organization. If not, this is just a place to find people to chill with both in and out of game.

Ranks are thus :
[4] Star – Founding, managing, or just generally f*ckwickedawesome member.
[3] Star – Cool Kid.
[2] Star – If I know who you are, you start off here. Otherwise it’s validated RIT alums.
[1] Star – Validated RIT students.
[0] Star – Non-validated RITards.
Null Star – Randos.

Current Ship lineup (as far as I know) :
1x Caterpillar
1x Cutlass Blue
1x Freelancer DUR
1x Herald
1x Dragonfly




Our esteemed leaders have summoned a study group to put into writing the foundations of our Faith.

1. Never, ever, eat at Gracie’s. On the pain of losing control of your bowel function
2. Always Procrastinate. Especially when the assignment is a group project.
3. You are obligated to complain about the weather and lack of women, or, conversely if you are of that persuasion, the lack of attractive men on campus.
4. Never be a dick. This one is actually quite serious.
4 & 1/2. No racial epithets / slurs. No overly shitty language.
4 & 3/4. Do not bring real life bullshit into voice channels.
4 & 7/8. Generally try to be a nice person. Help newbs, don’t ragetell, and don’t TK.
4 & 99/100. End of the super serial bs. Summarized by ‘Don’t be a dick’.
5. Never, ever, ever set your mic to “Voice Activated”. On pain of public ridicule and getting instagibbed by the biggest ship we have at the time. “Eating your mic” and/or mouth breathing into it intensely is not something everyone else wants to hear.
6. Praise the weather machine, alkehols, snow days (do they exist?), salsarita’s food, any class not at 8am or 5pm, the sacred and omnipotent squidcorn, and THE MAN Destler himself.
9 & 3/4. Nothing here is set in stone. Feel free to message Pr3ssAltF4 (aka the Prime Shitter) with any questions whatsoever. Did you get the reference? Heh. I hate me too, so don’t worry :).

That’s pretty much it. For any questions, suggestions, complaints, or comments refer to bullet 9 & 3/4.