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Sitis Sanguinis / GLORYNGOLD

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Piracy
  • Resources

*Carpe Diem

Carpe Noctem

Carpe Omnia*


The Sitis Sanguinis Manifesto

Welcome to Sitis Sanguinis, where the stars are our map and adventure is our creed. As a crew, we be bound by the following code:

Pillage and Plunder: We sail the cosmic seas in search of treasure and fortune. From the riches of derelict ships to the bounties of unsuspecting traders, we seize what we desire with no quarter.

Loyalty Above All: Loyalty is the anchor that holds our crew together. Betrayal and mutiny shall be met with the swift justice; for a true Corsair stands by their brethren through thick and thin.

Freedom and Independence: We answer to no authority but our own. Sitis Sanguinis answer to no king, corporation, or government. We carve our own path amongst the stars, beholden to none but the wind and the waves of space.

Honor Amongst Thieves: Even in our pursuit of plunder, we hold fast to our honor. We do not break our word once given. A corsair’s reputation is as valuable as gold, and we uphold it with pride.

Unity in Diversity: Our crew be a motley assortment of beings from across the galaxy. Be ye human, alien, or something in between, so long as you share our thirst for adventure and treasure, you’ll be welcome amongst us.

Courage in the Face of Adversity: The void is a harsh mistress, and danger lurks in every shadow. But a corsair fears not the unknown. With courage in our hearts and weapons in our hands, we boldly sail where others dare not tread.

A Toast to Victory: In victory, we celebrate; in defeat, we learn. But no matter the outcome, we raise a glass to our fallen foes and fallen comrades alike, for in the end, its the journey that defines us, not the destination.


We were born to inherit the stars


The Sitis Sanguinis Manifesto

Welcome to Sitis Sanguinis, where the stars be our map and adventure be our creed. As a crew, we be bound by the following code:

Pillage and Plunder: We sail the cosmic seas in search of treasure and fortune. From the riches of derelict ships to the bounties of unsuspecting traders, we seize what we desire with no quarter.

Loyalty Above All: Loyalty be the anchor that holds our crew together. Betrayal and mutiny shall be met with the swift justice; for a true Corsair stands by their brethren through thick and thin.

Freedom and Independence: We answer to no authority but our own. Sitis Sanguinis answer to no king, corporation, or government. We carve our own path amongst the stars, beholden to none but the wind and the waves of space.

Honor Amongst Thieves: Even in our pursuit of plunder, we hold fast to our honor. We do not break our word once given. A Corsair’s reputation be as valuable as gold, and we uphold it with pride.

Unity in Diversity: Our crew be a motley assortment of beings from across the galaxy. Be ye human, alien, or something in between, so long as ye share our thirst for adventure and treasure, ye be welcome amongst us.

Courage in the Face of Adversity: The void be a harsh mistress, and danger lurks in every shadow. But a Corsair fears not the unknown. With courage in our hearts and weapons in our hands, we boldly sail where others dare not tread.

A Toast to Victory: In victory, we celebrate; in defeat, we learn. But no matter the outcome, we raise a glass to our fallen foes and fallen comrades alike, for in the end, its the journey that defines us, not the destination.