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Welcome everyone, to the heart of our community. Please rest yourself and feel free to look around and if you think we can make your life better, make your way to our Recruitment section.


Not every governing body within the PU is capable of taking care of its citizens. MACHINA’s plan is to gather as many qualified Pilots, Engineers, and Medical staff as possible to provide aid in the far reaches of the PU. To achieve the goal of the “Grand Aid,” a significant amount of capital is required. There are many ways to obtain financial stability within the PU, be it through our own Industrial & Salvaging Division, MACHINA’s Hired Gun Division, or our intensively sponsored Medevac Wing. With all our divisions running successfully, our organization is confident that we will surely reach our goal without obstacles.

The Org founders met each other during the Vanduul Threat of the year 2945. On the outskirts of Vega II, the founders were assigned to a Nautilus, a strategic minelayer, to set up initial defenses for the smaller communities on the outer rim. Escorted by a squadron of Vanguard ships, they carried out their mission. Early in the mission, they encountered a Vanduul fleet led by an individual seeking to prove his efficiency in war to the King-Ship by taking as many human lives as possible. Knowing that these smaller communities on the outer rim were not as heavily defended as the more central cities within the Vega II system, the Vanduul saw them as perfect targets. The Nautilus crew and their escorts made it their highest priority to defend these communities at all costs. After weeks of grueling battle, the Vanduul were finally defeated. However, there was also unavoidable damage caused by the fighting between the two fleets, spreading chaos throughout the surrounding communities. With no governing body and a lack of medical services and security for the population, it was clear that the people needed help. The survivors of this insignificant battle on the outer rims of Vega II, even after losing a sizable portion of their team, swore not to leave those affected by this battle to fend for themselves. And that’s exactly what they did. They went to every single community to provide medical care, help them rebuild, provide security by eliminating newly formed pirate groups, and stayed until they were relieved by another fleet sent by the UEE.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.