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greystar / GRYSTR

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  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
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“Greystar: Where Chaos Meets Credits!”


Greystar: A Brief History (2948-2953)

June 23, 2948 – The Birth of Greystar

On a hot summer day in 2948, amidst the industrial landscapes of Loreville on the planet Hurston, Greystar was born. Founded by a band of renegades and thrill-seekers. From the outset, Greystar embraced a carefree, anything-goes attitude, taking on contracts that other PMCs wouldn’t touch.

The Early Loreville Years: 2948-2951

Operating out of makeshift headquarters hidden in the alleys of Loreville, Greystar quickly gained a reputation for completing jobs with a mix of unconventional tactics and irreverent humor. Their operatives became known for leaving a trail of confetti, possibly blood, and crazed laughter in the wake of their (somewhat) successful missions.

Greystar’s clientele ranged from eccentric billionaire tycoons to underworld kingpins, drawn to the PMC’s ability to get the job done without taking themselves too seriously. The company’s lore-infused Loreville base became a haven for freelancers and mercenaries seeking both employment and a good time.

Expansion Ambitions: 2951-2953

As Greystar’s coffers swelled with credits and their reputation spread across the galaxy, the leadership set their sights on expansion. The Pyro system, a lawless frontier known for its lucrative opportunities, became the next target. Plans were set in motion, star charts were consulted, and the fleet was retrofitted for the journey into the chaotic unknown.

Present Day: 2953

Greystar stands at the threshold of its Pyro expansion, with starships fueled and party supplies stocked.

The future clientele eagerly awaits the arrival of Greystar in the Pyro system, where rumors of their impending exploits have already begun circulating. As the repeater cannons are reloaded and blasters polished, Greystar embraces the limitless possibilities of the stars, ready to leave their mark on the untamed reaches of space. The Pyro system is about to get a whole lot more interesting, and Greystar is poised to turn chaos into credits once again.


Manifesto of Greystar

Introduction: Welcome to Greystar PMC, where the cosmos is our playground and profit is our North Star. We’re not your typical Private Military Company; we’re the intergalactic oddballs who get things done with a smirk. Morality is a quaint concept, and we’re in it for the credits, the laughs, and the occasional high-speed chase through an asteroid field.

Operating Policies:

Moral Flexibility:
Greystar doesn’t let morals get in the way of a good payday. If the money’s right, consider the job done. No questions asked, as long as the zeroes on the check are in the right places.

Honor Among Scoundrels:
We may not have a moral compass, but we do have a sense of camaraderie. Greystar operatives watch each other’s backs in a firefight and share a drink after a successful job. It’s a dirty galaxy out there; might as well make friends in low places.

Laugh in the Face of Danger:
Life’s too short to take everything seriously. Greystar operatives are encouraged to crack jokes, make sarcastic remarks, and, if the situation permits, pull off a well-timed prank. Laughter is the best armor.

Flexible Payment Plans:
Credits, gems, rare artifacts, or maybe a spaceship-shaped cake; Greystar is open to creative payment solutions. If it’s valuable, we’ll consider it. Barter system, anyone?

Casual Dress Code:
No need for the stiff, formal uniform. Greystar operatives are free to express their style. Whether it’s space-themed Hawaiian shirts or retro-futuristic jumpsuits, as long as you can fight in it, it’s fair game.

Unconventional Tactics:
Greystar doesn’t adhere to the traditional playbook. Expect surprise maneuvers, unconventional weapons, and the occasional distraction by space-dancing in zero gravity. If it works, it’s a Greystar tactic.

Client-Friendly Nicknames:
We’re not into formalities. Clients can call us by our nicknames -not our in company ranks. We’ll call you whatever you want, as long as the credits keep flowing.

No Mission Too Zany:
Greystar accepts all kinds of missions, from retrieving lost pets on distant moons to infiltrating high-security space parties. If it pays, we play. Creativity is key; the weirder, the better.

Greystar – where chaos meets credits, and no mission is too outlandish. We’re not your typical PMC; we’re the misfits, the risk-takers, and the ones who make the galaxy a little less serious and a lot more fun. Need a job done with flair? Call Greystar – where every solution comes with a wink and a smile.


Charter of Greystar


We, the motley crew of mercenaries, misfits, and merrymakers, hereby establish the Charter of Greystar. In the boundless expanse of space, where credits glitter like stardust, we embrace the chaos, the laughs, and the sweet symphony of cash registers. This charter serves as our guide through the cosmic carnival of opportunities and mischief.

Article I: The Essence of Greystar

Greystar is a space-based Private Military Company (PMC) that scoffs at the notion of traditional morality. We’re in it for the thrill, the moolah, and the occasional absurdity. Our aim is simple: to boldly go where the paycheck leads, leaving a trail of blaster burns, confetti, and bewildered clients in our wake.

Article II: The Code of Conduct

1. Do Anything for Money: There’s no job too dirty, no mission too absurd. Greystar operatives will undertake any task, as long as the client’s pockets are deep enough. Morality is a luxury we can’t afford, but your credits are always welcome.

2. Keep it Light: Laughter is our armor, and we wear it proudly. Operatives are encouraged to inject humor into every situation, from negotiating contracts to evading space pirates. A witty remark is mightier than a blaster.

3. No Ego Trips: Greystar doesn’t do the whole “serious and brooding” routine. Operatives are expected to leave their egos at the airlock. We’re all spacefaring scoundrels here; let’s not pretend otherwise.

Article III: The Spirit of Greystar

1. Creative Payment Solutions: Credits are preferred, but Greystar is open to alternative payment methods. Gems, rare artifacts, or a lifetime supply of space nachos? Negotiation is an art, and we’re masters of the barter system.

2. Unconventional Tactics Encouraged: By the stars, be creative! Greystar operatives are urged to think outside the box, use unconventional weapons, and employ tactics that make the enemy scratch their heads in confusion. If it works, it’s a Greystar tactic.

Article IV: Accountability and Cleanup

1. Leave No Trace: While chaos is our forte, cleanliness is our responsibility. Operatives are expected to clean up any “messes” they make—be it space debris, scorch marks, “loose ends”. A clean galaxy is a happy galaxy.

2. Client-Friendly Nicknames: Greystar operatives may adopt playful nicknames for themselves. Clients are encouraged to join in the fun, and we promise not to take offense—after all, we’re here to make friends and credits.


In adherence to the Charter of Greystar, we pledge to navigate the cosmic seas with a smirk, to turn every mission into a spectacle, and to dance on the fine line between mayhem and mirth. With this charter as our guide, let the adventures, laughter, and lucrative contracts commence!