Need to buy, sell, trade, or transport? You can go GTFO or you can go GTFO. Remember, GTFO. It’s the only option, no matter how you take it.
= insert RP history that cannot be properly visualized due to too many unknown variables in the mostly unreleased lore of Star Citizen =
We are an organization focused on money, but founded upon friendship. We will bring prosperity to the stars – but we will do it as friends, colleagues, and entrepreneurs. We are not out for domination, and we are not out for power.
If you join us, then you will be taking part in aiding the entirety of the galaxy with excellent service and security. Any power we gain will be used to protect those below us. We will never extort, we will never steal, and we will never conduct business with criminals.
Current goals:
1. Obtain the following ships for GTFO: – Constellation – Freelancer – Idris – Multiple Hornets – Cutlass
2. Begin recruiting!
3. Create a logo and various graphics to customize our page, both here and on a separate website.
4. Form lots of alliances and partnerships.
1 – Treat EVERYONE with respect. Disrespecting any member, especially officers, will result in your removal from our organization.
2 – Treat EVERYONE with kindness. We do not want our organization to have a bad reputation. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot be kind to another player, then be professional and leave it alone. Unless they shoot at you, then feel free to wipe their ass out.
3 – Rules will be added as needed. There’s not much else I can say because at this point in development I can’t really apply too many rules to the game. Just be nice to people in the community, okay?