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Heliopause Enterprises / HELIOPAUSE

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  • Exploration

Welcome to Heliopause Enterprises!

What is Heliopause?

he·li·o·pause: The boundary of the heliosphere, the end of the suns influence

What does it mean?

We always go beyond the limits, forever pushing forward on to new and prosperous frontiers!


The humble Beginning

Heliopause began as a mere idea back in 2113. Our founder, Benjamin A. Porter, was always fascinated with business in the stars. The recent breakthroughs in RSI’s terraforming technology at the time started to bring his ideas out of the realm of dreams and into the realm of reality. He realized the opportunity for large profits by mining raw materials on Mars and ferrying them back to earth at a premium. However, the Mars Tragedy of 2125 brought an abrupt halt to his ongoing project. Still hopeful, and still believing in his idea, Benjamin picked himself up and got back to work on creating the company. Mars was recovering, and in the eyes of Benjamin, this was the perfect time to reestablish space travel as a safe and reliable industry, and with that, he could establish his brand. Benjamin started talks with RSI on an affordable ship used for cargo hauling. The RSI Zeus spacecraft was already in its prototype phases, so with enough persistence, Benjamin struck a deal. This allowed him to purchase a special variant of the Zeus specifically outfitted for cargo transport. And thus, on the year 2140, coinciding with the release of the RSI Zeus, Cronus Transportation was born.

Cronus Transportation

Cronus began as the sole transporter of goods to and from Mars, and as new technology arose, it expanded its reach further and further into the solar system. The company grew rapidly, and was receiving good returns each quarter. Things were looking great. Combining this with their great relationship with RSI helped strengthen the company, and helped it to rise above the fledgling competitors as the go-to company to get the job done right.

The Artemis

The next 92 years of the company were uneventful. Linear growth and constant success became the norm; however, everything changed during the year of 2232. New breakthroughs in technology were allowing companies to expand far beyond the reach of our inner planets. Humans are now capable of interstellar travel. The Artemis was a new spacecraft, being designed to reach the nearest habitable planet. The planet in question: GJ667Cc. It was the biggest milestone in human history so far. The thoughts and possibilities of reaching beyond our own solar system were mind boggling, and Benjamin realized the opportunities. So, Benjamin made a radical move, the most radical in our company’s entire history. He decided to move our entire company to a new world. He thought that by being able to begin from a totally new location in the galaxy, he could have total authority over other companies. The catch: he had to pack up everything, and move all his employees to a new and distant world. He would have to start over. However, the sheer number of possibilities this new change could cause for the company was worth more to Benjamin than anything else. Although all his employees and customers were looking a few quarters of financial profit into the future, Benjamin was looking hundreds of years forward. His vision was to establish the number one trade corporation in the universe, and if that meant risking his life and his company to do so, then so be it. The Artemis was a large colony ship with room for 5000. Due to his connections with RSI, and since this was a RSI ship, Benjamin was able to secure 450 spots for his employees. And so, on February 1st, 2232, the Artemis lifted off from the launchpad. Everyone would be put in cryostasis chambers for the 200 year voyage, and hope for the best. Although Benjamin was already 139 years old, he went against the will of his doctors and went along for the journey. Questions about his health and safety in the cryostasis chambers had been shot down by Benjamin, who famously said “I would rather die on the way to a new era, than live forever in the past” (Today, these words are the motto for our company, and stand for everything we believe in). They were off, shooting through our solar system at .25 the speed of light. Benjamin and these brave pioneers were on their way to bask in the warmth of another star.

The End of the Beginning

Everyone else from the company who stayed behind had strict orders from Benjamin. No one was to restart the company until word of him got back. There voyage was a dangerous one, and Benjamin said if they didn’t make it through the journey, then the company wouldn’t make it, either. So, everyone followed his orders. The corporate offices were shut down, factory production halted, and all employees sent on leave until word got back of Benjamin. The years went by, and the Artemis grew more and more distant from our solar system. No message would be received by the Artemis until after it had shut down its quantum engines and slowed down to relative speeds. No one expected anything bad to happen. How could anything happen? They were all in the hands of RSI’s engineering. Eventually, the 200 year mark began approaching, and plans were made to greet the message that would be sent back from the Artemis. The one message that could change the course of human history. The evening the message was due, everyone was outside on the streets celebrating, waiting for that message to be projected into the sky via the massive hololights set up in anticipation. All the heads of government on earth were grouped together in the bunker of the white house, awaiting the words that would change everything. The crowds grew larger, the night darker, and the suspense heavier. Finally, the countdown clock for when the message should arrive struck zero. Everyone was silent. Not even a whisper was hear. They waited for nearly 2 hours in the darkness. Finally, a voice came up on the loud speaker saying there were delays in the Artemis’ arrival. Slowly, the crowds dispersed. People went back to their homes, and the government officials flew back to their countries. The days went by quickly, with no word from the Artemis. Then those days became weeks, weeks became months, and months became years. Questions were raised by the public, only to be quickly shot down by government officials. Despair had filled the hearts of the family members whose loved ones had boarded the Artemis. No consolation was given to those families, and conspiracy theory ran wild. Many believed the Artemis was shot down by some alien race, or that the AI that ran the ship, Janus, went rouge. Nothing would be heard of the Artemis until nearly 800 years later. In the year 2805, Sol Central Time, Shubin Interstellar found a single hull plate of the Artemis in the Stanton System before terraformation of the planet began. However, this only raised more questions than it answered, since the Stanton System is nearly 100 light years off course from where the Artemis was heading. To this day, the exact cause of what happened to the Artemis is unknown, and the countless souls still floating endlessly in the void have yet to be found.

The Aftermath

Nearly 100 years after the Artemis’ confirmed disappearance, the final remaining hopefuls at Cronus Transportation stopped believing in Benjamin ever returning. The company was finally dissolved, and as the company died, so did Benjamin’s dream of an interconnected galaxy. The vast amount of wealth Benjamin had generated in his life was locked away in a trust fund. In his will, Benjamin said the funds not to be touched until “The time was right”. When asked what that meant before Benjamin boarded, he simply replied with “Remember the vision…”. More advances in technology, new species discovered, and larger jump points being created started causing more and more traders






Heliopause Enterprises’ major business line is space transport, trade, and exploration. We find, extract, refine and transport resources across the galaxy. Our mission: to provide resources from the farthest ends of the galaxy, regardless of the perils that may stand in the way. With our extensive fleet of not just capable transport ships but also top of the line combat escort ships we are able to minimize costs stemming from 3rd party services, keeping your expenses down. Heliopause is the only transporter of valuable resources in the uncharted and dangerous quadrants of the galaxy as well as the only resource defense transport contractor in existence. Heliopause’s goal is to establish itself as a leader among the resourcing companies of the verse by providing reasonably priced services to reputable customers throughout the galaxy. We hope that you will join us in this new enterprise into the unknown to make our great founder Benjamin Porter’s dream a reality.


All members of Heliopause Enterprises agree henceforth to be bound by these regulations:
1. Service comes first, no matter the cost.
2. Always attempt to avoid engagement unless no diplomatic solution is available. The golden rule applies: Do not start fights, but finish them.
3. Cargo inspections must be preformed before loading and after unloading.
4. Ship inspections must be performed as per UEE regulation, once every 50 jumps.
5. All members shall be held liable for any violation of these rules, and punishment shall be determined at the discretion of the board.
6. Escort pilots are cleared to use discretion in the defense of cargo within reason assuming their actions do not violate any of the stated rules.
7. The Charter of Heliopause Enterprises can be amended, only with approval from the board of directors.
8. Heliopause Enterprises reserves the right to refuse service to any party, for any reason.
9. Heliopause Enterprises will not transport illegal goods. a. If illegal goods are found on a Heliopause Enterprises transport, it will promptly be dumped into the nearest star and ignored, otherwise the recipient will take full responsibility for the goods and the punishment associated with them.
10. Heliopause Enterprises has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to piracy. If any Heliopause Enterprises employee is caught in the act of piracy, it will result in immediate dismissal from the company and a report will be submitted to the UEE Advocacy.