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Hemlock Contracting Services / HMCS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

“Where others fail, We won’t”

In memory of Mizuki Takashi (jan 7, 2021),

we will never fail, we will build the org that you dreamed of.

(HMCS Discord found here)



2788 – A militia is formed to alleviate UEE forces stress in the western colonies during severe tension with the Xi’an. the militia names themselves Hemlock Squadron after taking the poisonous hemlock plant as their mascot. For the next year and a half, Hemlock Squadron engages vanduul forces a total of 37 times, repels several pirate assaults on colonies, and escorts four large UEE relief transports heading for the western rim of the empire.

2790 – Hemlock Squadron rallies their forces near Earth in protest against the Messer regime and pushes for a halt in cruelty, after the news that Terra has brokered peace with the Xi’an. The squadron begins mock combat with UEE forces whenever they attempt to disrupt the protest. in a intimidation tactic Despite no casualties on either side, this is the first recorded hostile action Hemlock has taken against the UEE. Hemlock Squadron later leaves Earth space and returns to the western rim when reports of piracy and vanduul attacks reach them.

2791 – Hemlock Squadron loses their rights as a militia after the Earth protest incident and rebrands as a private military company naming themselves, Hemlock Contracting Services.

2792HMCS celebrates the fall of the Messer regime and the election of Erin Torr with a air show over New Austin in Terra. Their display of skill attracted attention from the UEE and civilian clients alike helping to bolster their income via government contracting.

2801 – With tenstion against the Xi’an decreasing and only vanduul and pirate threats. HMCS finds a lack in government contracting and opens their doors to outside corporations and more illicit clientele.

2947 – After the UEE declared a request for able bodied citizens to enlist, many Hemlock agents resigned to join the fighting leaving HMCS the smallest they had been in years. It becomes clear to the CEO’s that the need to recruit is large.

2949 – Hemlock Contracting Services is hired to assist in repelling military forces hired by a major conglomerate of Corporate organizations within the Stanton system resulting in several massive skirmishes between allied forces and overwhelming Corporate Security Forces without outside law enforcement and government entities knowledge. This is the beginning of what is later considered the Stanton Shadow War Despite the overwhelming numbers, HMCS and their allies repel and gain a quick and decisive advantage against the conglomerate.

2950 – After a year of warfare throughout the Stanton system. The conglomerate concedes defeat resulting in two major entities dismantlement and several larger entities avoiding contact with HMCS and their allies. The Stanton Shadow War ends.


Hemlock Contracting Services was build by and for Active Military, Ex-Military, and milsim players with the goal and intentions of bringing real world tactics and combat practices into the game in order to advance our advantage against the average combat organization. Thus in turn providing our clients a high tier, affordable, and enjoyable choice in contracted security.

HMCS practices contractual freedom with our personnel to allow for a more broad outreach in clientele, and with our “Laxed” structure and community stylized environment, members are treated as equals as rank and file is rarely used and only during major operations and decision. We are a family, and loyalty and respect is shared and earned within a family.


Simply put, everything.

Hemlock Contracting Services was designed from the ground up to throw off the Private Contracting stereotype that PMC’s are only valuable as hired killers, and while we dominantly provide security and military contracting, we have broadened our reach to contracting within the industrial and logistical sectors and fields.

Meaning, what ever you need done, we can do it.




Hemlock Contracting Services is more then a basic Military Contracting Firm, we provide services in all fields of work military, or not. Our goal is to provide quality service and top tier security no matter the client, and no matter the need. It is our belief that contracting should not be limited to only those who can shoot a gun, though it does help.

Our mantra is simple: “Do what others cant. Where others fail, We won’t”


For far too long Mega-Corporations have pushed the “little-guy” around with their overwhelming and, frankly, disorganized numbers in order to have their say or to absorb smaller organizations. Hemlock Contracting Service, stands with multiple others in saying

Enough is Enough

HMCS Vows to stand for the small organizations and will fight to end the oppression of massive conglomerates in order to refrain from a second Messer Regime forming.


Hemlock Contracting Services stands against terrorism of all forms and will oppose marauders and terroristic acts within the ‘Verse. No contracts will be accepted from marauders or groups with intents of terrorizing civilian populations, human or alien.


Contractors and personnel are trained and practice nearly daily in any scenario that they may encounter in order to ensure the worst day they have on the job is on the training grounds, while the worst day their opponents have is when they face us.


All members are requested to participate in discord

Hemlock Contracting Services utilizes a “lax” structural system which allows agents and contractors employed with HMCS to freely take on jobs with out unnecessary constraints that a formal military command structure would impose. However HMCS does take on large scale contracting and operations and in such cases uses a formal chain of command structure in order to better organize large scale agent deployment.


Contracting and other provided services are decided solely by the individual contractor or agent within hemlock. The constraints of individual contracting is restricted only by the companies set of conduct codes and morals1, as well as the individuals own morals.

In the occasion that a group contract is accepted, the initial agent or contractor is given command of the operation. However if the contract is assigned, the highest ranking individual agent or contractor whose role best suits the type of operation is given command.

1 Our Conduct and moral code is simple:

  1. Prioritize comrades over all else
  2. Never bring unnecessary harm to bystanders
  3. The contract is binding, never betray the client
  4. Fight hard, fight smart, and never back down
  5. Never fire upon a surrendering individual
  6. Never swindle, or scam a fellow agent or ally
  7. Never fight without the intention to kill, hesitation leads to death
  8. Never fire upon a unarmed/crippled target without attempting to restrain first.
  9. Never bring a negative reputation upon the company, your actions reflect upon us all
  10. Protect what is yours, let no one destroy your home or property.