Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Ad Hoc / HOC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

AD HOC is determined to primarily focus on reliable & professional freelance security for those requiring temporary aid against other players or NPC’s with malicious intent towards your precious cargo. AD HOC in the near future hopes to expand towards securing ubiquitous mining operations.



Ad Hoc’s Reason 2650 – 2681


▣ 2650 — Orion III

  • The Orion System was first charted by a long-range UEE destroyer squadron in 2650. Low on fuel, the squadron made the transit to Orion in the hopes of collecting spaceborne hydrogen off the shoals of the system’s gas giant, Orion VII. The unit ended up spending three weeks insystem and producing in-depth star maps of the region.
  • The system was found to contain a single habitable planet (Orion III, named Armitage by the explorers), few exploitable natural resources, and no additional strategic jump points. Locating nothing out of the ordinary, the UEE gave little thought to the system for the next two decades.

▣ 2660 — Populating Orion III

  • Following the upheavals of the 2660s, a strong colonial movement surged through the human homeworlds as politicians began to extol the virtues of once again “reaching out for the galaxy.” Despite lacking a strong selling point, Orion was chosen for one of the dozen-odd colony programs established during that period. Ostensibly a corporate project, the UEE-backed “Project FarStar” aimed to build the most distant human colony ever established; a record for the history books rather than any sort of practical settlement.
  • Within five years, Armitage was a bustling, if unnecessary colony. However, colonists discovered a profitable lode of precious metals (chiefly gold and platinum) in the system’s asteroid belt and began to exploit that with some success. Modular farm construction began in earnest with the goal of someday providing food for nearby systems as FarStar expanded coreward.

▣ 2681 — Scorched Earth

  • On August 9, 2681, mankind’s greatest menace made their entrance: a heavily armed Vanduul raiding party struck the main post on Armitage and slaughtered the colonists there to the last man (one citizen, a farmer, remains unaccounted for). The UEE was truly taken by surprise: there had been absolutely no indication of an aggressor species in the region, and intelligence from spy networks among the Banu and the Xi’an had failed to mention the Vanduul raids those races had recently suffered. Violence on Armitage was on a scale unprecedented in recent history and it immediately captured the attention of humanity’s home worlds.
  • Vanduul attacks continued with some frequency: in six months, outposts throughout the Orion system had been raided fifteen times and casualties among the colonists were unsustainable. Although in public, politicians were out for blood and promised an eradication of the Vanduul threat, the truth was that deploying sufficient naval units to Orion would have been a logistical nightmare. The system was too far away to extend the existing supply chain and the reward was symbolic in nature. In two years, as the public furor subsided, Armitage was officially abandoned as a human colony world. The image of UEE fighters escorting a lengthy chain of transport ships away from the system remains ingrained in many memories.

▣ 2682 — Ad Hoc’s Creation

  • Shortly after the attack on Orion III, Ad Hoc was founded. Not much is known about Ad Hoc’s creation, after an anonymous attacker cleared the founders records on UEE data banks. Rumors say that the misplaced man (John Phillips) of the Orion III raids founded Ad Hoc to prevent further atrocities against all peaceful races.

Ad Hoc’s History 2995 – Present


▣ 2995 — [October 16th] New Leaders

  • After the passing of previous CEO Lucius Verus (2920-2095), instead of declaring a new CEO Lucius choose a few high ranking officials to lead Ad Hoc to greatness:
    1. Sergeant Admin Shifty3
    2. Major Admin Gladshe8her
    3. Sargent Recruiter Mazzei217
    4. Neophyte Recruiter Rerus

▣ 2995 — [October 17th] Acquisition of a member Sergeant Officer Al3xand3r.

▣ 2995 — [October 18th] Meeting held to discuss bi-daily combat training sessions.

  • Meeting adjourned with members voting 5 for Yay and 0 for Nay.

▣ 2995 — [October 20th] Sargent Recruiter Mazzei217 and Commissar Admin Gladshe8her discuss means of spending for Ad Hoc.

  • Discussion determined that 50% of all member income will go towards purchasing an Orion mining ship.
  • NOTE As soon as the investment in the Orion is made a new spending plan will be developed.

▣ 2995 — [October 26th] Acquisition of a new member Sergant Commissar & Marketing Hanz_zinger.

▣ 2995 — [October 27th] Acquisition of a new member Neophyte Varill

▣ 2995 — [October 27th] Redesign of Ad Hoc Logo, Banner, and Icon

  • Promotion awarded, Lieutenant of Commerce Hanz_zinger

▣ 2995 — [October 27th] Complete Redesign of Ad Hoc’s History

  • Thank you to Major Admin Gladshe8her

▣ 2995 — [October 29th] Hanz_zinger’s acquisition of a Freelancer

  • Congrats from the rest of the Ad Hoc Crew

▣ 2995 — [October 29th] Creation of a cover image displaying Ad Hoc’s fleet

  • For outstanding involvement for Ad Hoc’s marketing, Awarded promotion for Major Hanz_zinger.

▣ 2995 — [October 29th] New declaration; Election will be held every two months.

  • Candidates MUST be of atleast major rank.

▣ 2995 — [October 30th] Temporary joint leadership initiated between Hanz_zinger and Gladshe8her.

  • Will persist untill leadership system is implemented
  • Both stated members will work together to forge new organizational system




Ad Hoc hopes to become one of the leading Corporations in personal security as well as resource collection. Since Ad Hoc is focused on security detail, we expect members to have a superior knowledge of dog fighting. All new members may request training sessions will Sargent Recruiter Mazzei217 or General Officer Gladshe8her who are our best fighter pilots, thier time is limited due to school restrictions, but a training request will be taken seriously and if Mazzei217’s or Gladshe8her’s time cannot be spared, than other high ranking members will help you as soon as possible.


Under Construction


General Rules:

  • Always put your company task ahead of personal influences.
  • Treat fellow members with respect.
  • Do not indulge in any “illegal” activity.
  • You have the right to crash your Aurora.

Field of Operations:


As a member of AD HOC.
You are encouraged to find and take contracts from other organizations.
AD HOC may take a percentage of what you earn to fund future operations and services.

Resource Collection:

To gain steady income to fund our endeavors, we strongly encourage Reasource Collection.
This will allow for us to have steady business and give ourselves a foothold in the economy.
Where we can then move on to bigger and more ambitious opportunities.


Ranks will be determined by level of responsibility you show in the org, as well as you ship size.


This rank will be given to those who have shown extraordinary performance in the field and who has show to be a true and just leader.

Req: ship size level 6 or higher.


This rank will be given to those who have shown to be decisive and remarkable pilot skills.

Req: ship size 3 or higher.


This rank will be given to those who show leadership and good pilot skills.

Req: ship size 2 or higher.

Petty Officer 1st class

This rank will be given to those who shows promise in the organization.

Req: ship size 1 or higher.

Petty Officer 2nd class

This rank will be given to those who show promise in the organization.

Req: no requirements

Ordinary Spaceman

Fresh Recruits will be given this rank.

Req: no requirements