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Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency / ICPA

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Welcome to the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA). We protect trade routes, combat piracy, and ensure secure, fair trading across the galaxy. With advanced technology and strong alliances, we strive for a prosperous future in interstellar commerce. Join us in safeguarding the stars.


History of the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA)

In the early 22nd century, as humanity expanded beyond Earth and established colonies on distant planets, interstellar trade became the backbone of economic growth and prosperity. However, with this expansion came new threats. Piracy, smuggling, and unlawful trading practices began to plague the trade routes, endangering the lives of merchants and the stability of economies.

Recognizing the urgent need for a dedicated organization to combat these threats, a coalition of visionary leaders from various planetary governments, trade organizations, and security agencies convened in 2123. This historic summit, held on the neutral space station of Harmony Point, laid the foundation for the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA).


On January 15, 2124, the ICPA was officially established with the signing of the Harmony Accord. The Accord outlined the agency’s mission to protect interstellar trade routes, enforce fair trade regulations, and combat piracy. The founding members included representatives from Earth, Mars, Titan, and several prominent trading guilds and security agencies.

Early Years

The early years of the ICPA were marked by rapid development and expansion. The agency set up its headquarters on Luna, Earth’s moon, strategically located to coordinate efforts across the Solar System. Initial operations focused on securing major trade routes within the inner planets and establishing a network of surveillance satellites and patrol fleets.

One of the first major successes came in 2126 when the ICPA’s enforcement division, in collaboration with Martian security forces, dismantled the notorious pirate syndicate known as the Void Reavers. This operation not only secured vital trade routes but also solidified the ICPA’s reputation as a formidable force against piracy.

Expansion Beyond the Solar System

As humanity’s reach extended to the stars, so did the ICPA’s mandate. By the mid-22nd century, the agency had established regional offices in key trading hubs throughout the galaxy, including Alpha Centauri, Proxima b, and the Epsilon Eridani system. The ICPA’s operations now encompassed a vast network of trade routes, ensuring the safety and security of commerce on an unprecedented scale.

Technological Advancements

The ICPA has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. In 2130, the agency introduced the Sentinel Program, deploying advanced AI-driven drones for real-time monitoring and response. These drones, equipped with cutting-edge surveillance and defense capabilities, significantly enhanced the ICPA’s ability to detect and neutralize threats.

In 2138, the ICPA launched the Quantum Communication Network (QCN), a secure and instantaneous communication system linking all member planets and outposts. This breakthrough allowed for rapid coordination and response, further bolstering the agency’s effectiveness.

Collaboration and Alliances

Throughout its history, the ICPA has prioritized collaboration and alliances. The agency has forged strong partnerships with planetary governments, interstellar trade organizations, and security forces. These alliances have been instrumental in sharing intelligence, resources, and expertise, creating a united front against piracy and unlawful trade.

One notable alliance was formed in 2145 with the Interstellar Trade Federation (ITF), a powerful coalition of trading guilds and corporations. This partnership led to the establishment of the Galactic Trade Security Council, a joint body dedicated to overseeing trade security policies and initiatives.

Modern Era

Today, the ICPA stands as the premier authority in interstellar trade protection. With a presence in every major trading system and a legacy of successful operations, the agency continues to evolve and adapt to new challenges. The ICPA’s commitment to security, integrity, and justice remains unwavering, as it strives to ensure a safe and prosperous future for interstellar commerce.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, the ICPA is dedicated to exploring new frontiers and embracing emerging technologies. Our vision is to create an interstellar trading environment where piracy is a relic of the past, and where every merchant can trade with confidence and security. Through continued collaboration, innovation, and vigilance, we will uphold the principles that have defined our agency since its inception.

Join Us

We invite all who share our vision to join us in this noble endeavor. Together, we can protect the lifeblood of our interstellar economy and build a future of prosperity and peace among the stars.

Contact Us

For more information about the ICPA, our history, and how you can get involved, please visit our Contact Page or reach out to our headquarters on Luna.

Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA)

Protecting Trade, Ensuring Prosperity -


OPERATIONAL POLICIES MISSING ETInterstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA) Manifesto

In the vast expanse of space, where trade and commerce are the lifeblood of civilizations, the menace of piracy and unlawful activities threatens the very foundation of our interstellar economy. We, the members of the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA), stand united in our resolve to protect and foster a secure, fair, and prosperous trading environment across the galaxy. This manifesto is a declaration of our principles, commitments, and vision for the future.

Core Principles

Security: The safety of interstellar trade routes is paramount. We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a secure environment where merchants can conduct their business without fear of piracy or unlawful interference.

Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity in all our operations. Fairness, transparency, and accountability guide our actions and decisions.

Collaboration: We believe in the power of unity. By fostering collaboration among planetary governments, trade organizations, and security forces, we amplify our collective strength and effectiveness.

Innovation: We embrace technological advancement and innovation as essential tools in our mission. Cutting-edge technologies enhance our ability to monitor, protect, and enforce regulations in interstellar commerce.

Justice: We are committed to ensuring that justice prevails in all matters of trade. Those who engage in piracy and unlawful trade practices will be held accountable and face the full extent of the law.

Our Commitments

Protection of Trade Routes:

Deploy advanced surveillance and defense systems to monitor key trade routes.
Establish rapid response units to address piracy and other threats swiftly.
Collaborate with local and interstellar security forces for comprehensive protection.
Enforcement of Regulations:

Develop and enforce regulations that promote fair and lawful trading practices.
Conduct regular audits and inspections to ensure compliance.
Penalize violations through fines, sanctions, and legal actions.
Intelligence and Surveillance:

Gather and analyze data on potential threats and unlawful activities.
Share intelligence with member organizations to enhance collective security.
Utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict and prevent piracy.
Support and Education:

Provide resources and training to merchants on safe trading practices.
Offer support services to victims of piracy and unlawful trade activities.
Promote awareness campaigns on the importance of trade security.
Sustainable Trade:

Advocate for environmentally sustainable and ethical trading practices.
Encourage the use of clean technologies and renewable resources in commerce.
Support initiatives that promote economic development and social welfare across the galaxy.
Vision for the Future

We envision a future where interstellar commerce thrives in a secure, fair, and regulated environment. A future where the threat of piracy is a distant memory, and where merchants can trade freely and confidently. By adhering to our core principles and commitments, we will build a galaxy where economic prosperity and justice are accessible to all.


The Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA) is more than an organization; it is a movement. A movement towards a safer, fairer, and more prosperous galaxy. We invite all planetary governments, trade organizations, and security forces to join us in this noble endeavor. Together, we will protect, regulate, and promote the integrity of interstellar trade for the benefit of all.

Adopted this July 8th, 2024 by the members of the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA).


Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA) Charter

We, the members of the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA), in recognition of the need to ensure the safety and security of interstellar trade routes and to foster fair and lawful commerce across the galaxy, establish this Charter. Our mission is to protect, regulate, and promote the integrity of space trade against piracy and other threats, ensuring prosperity and peace among the stars.

Article I: Mission and Objectives

Section 1: Mission Statement

The mission of the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA) is to safeguard interstellar trade routes, prevent and combat piracy, and ensure a fair and secure trading environment throughout the galaxy.

Section 2: Objectives

Protection of Trade Routes: To actively patrol and secure major and minor interstellar trade routes against piracy and other criminal activities.
Regulation and Compliance: To establish and enforce regulations that ensure fair and lawful trade practices.
Intelligence and Surveillance: To gather and analyze intelligence on potential threats to interstellar commerce.
Collaboration and Partnerships: To work in conjunction with planetary governments, trade organizations, and security forces to enhance trade security.
Response and Enforcement: To provide rapid response capabilities to incidents of piracy and illegal trading activities.
Public Awareness and Education: To promote awareness of safe trading practices among merchants and traders.
Technological Advancement: To invest in and deploy advanced technologies for surveillance, defense, and enforcement.
Article II: Organizational Structure

Section 1: Governing Council

Composition: The Governing Council shall consist of representatives from member planets, trade organizations, and security agencies.
Responsibilities: The Council is responsible for setting policies, approving regulations, and overseeing the operations of the ICPA.
Section 2: Executive Directorate

Director-General: The Director-General is the chief executive officer of the ICPA and is responsible for the implementation of policies and day-to-day operations.
Deputy Directors: Deputy Directors oversee specific departments, including Intelligence, Enforcement, Trade Regulation, and Technology.
Section 3: Operational Divisions

Intelligence Division: Responsible for gathering and analyzing data on threats to interstellar commerce.
Enforcement Division: Responsible for patrolling trade routes, responding to incidents, and apprehending offenders.
Trade Regulation Division: Responsible for developing and enforcing trade regulations.
Technology Division: Responsible for developing and maintaining advanced technologies for surveillance and defense.
Article III: Membership and Cooperation

Section 1: Membership

Eligibility: Membership is open to all planetary governments, recognized trade organizations, and security agencies committed to the ICPA’s mission.
Admission: Membership is granted upon approval by the Governing Council.
Section 2: Cooperation

Interagency Collaboration: The ICPA shall cooperate with other interstellar agencies and organizations to enhance trade security.
Shared Resources: Members shall share relevant resources, including intelligence, technology, and personnel, to support the ICPA’s mission.
Article IV: Funding and Resources

Section 1: Funding

Member Contributions: Funding for the ICPA shall be provided through contributions from member planets and organizations, based on their respective economic capacities.
Trade Levies: Additional funding may be raised through levies on interstellar trade, subject to approval by the Governing Council.
Section 2: Resource Allocation

Budget Approval: The annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Directorate and approved by the Governing Council.
Resource Management: Resources shall be allocated based on strategic priorities and operational needs.
Article V: Amendments

Section 1: Proposal of Amendments

Initiation: Amendments to this Charter may be proposed by any member of the Governing Council.
Review: Proposed amendments shall be reviewed by a special committee appointed by the Council.
Section 2: Adoption of Amendments

Approval: Amendments shall be adopted upon a two-thirds majority vote of the Governing Council.
Implementation: Adopted amendments shall take effect immediately unless otherwise specified.
Article VI: Dissolution

Section 1: Conditions for Dissolution

The ICPA may be dissolved upon a unanimous vote of the Governing Council, followed by ratification by a majority of member planets and organizations.

Section 2: Disposition of Assets

Upon dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed among member planets and organizations based on their contributions, or as otherwise determined by the Governing Council.


This Charter, adopted by the founding members of the Interstellar Commerce Protection Agency (ICPA), shall serve as the guiding framework for our mission to protect and promote safe and lawful interstellar trade. Together, we shall work to ensure a prosperous and secure future for commerce among the stars.

Ratified this July 8th, 2024 by the founding members of the ICPA.