Hello and welcome to the ranks of the Intergalactic Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), we aim to provide aid, security, and overall support to all those in need regardless of species or criminal actions; Do you think you have what it takes to join up? Apply now and prepare to help with our cause!
President of the Intergalactic Red Cross Committee, known only as “Borepuncher” proposed forming a federation of these National Societies in early 2800 and after lobbying an intergalactic medical conference was finally initiated and resulted in the birth of the League of Red Cross Societies, which was renamed later to the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and then become the Intergalactic Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded of the universe – to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, co-operation and lasting peace among all.
Making no discrimination as to nationality, species, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors only to relieve suffering, giving priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, The Intergalactic Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
The Red Cross is independent. The Galactic Societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their Governments and subject to the laws of their respective location, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross principles.
The Red Cross is a voluntary relief organization not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.
All those of The Red Cross Society must be open to all. All must carry on its humanitarian work throughout their current territory.
The Red Cross is a galactic-wide institution in which all Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other.
~ Consider that all affected by disasters are entitled to receive assistance, consistent with their needs and priorities.
~ Respect the dignity of all affected by disasters, including their meaningful involvement in decisions that affect their lives and livelihoods.
~ Commit to protect all affected by disasters, particularly those made vulnerable by any form of discrimination or unknowing.
~ Advocate on behalf of those at risk and affected by disasters for increased action to address their vulnerabilities and unmet humanitarian needs.
~ We are each other’s primary and preferred partners. We pursue operational partnerships with external organizations – when consistent with our Fundamental Principles – to further increase operational reach, scale and effectiveness.
~ We ensure that our assistance is well coordinated among ourselves and with relevant external organizations.
~ We ensure that our assistance is appropriate, efficient, effective, and accountable, and we support the transition from relief to recovery for all that are disaster affected.