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Interstellar Commonwealth Systems Alliance / ICSA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

Welcome to the I.C.S.A.!

Interstellar Commonwealth Systems Alliance.


Join the force! Apply for membership:


I.C.S.A. Website | I.C.S.A. Teamspeak | I.C.S.A Steam Group

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The *Interstellar Commonwealth Systems Alliance (I.C.S.A.) is a non-profit joint venture of military and commercial organizations formed for the mutual benefit of its members to secure peace and prosperity within the UEE.

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– History

The ICSA was formerly known as the Interstellar Defense Systems Alliance (I.D.S.A.) and was founded in accordance with the United Empire of Earth (UEE) laws and regulations on the date of November 12, 2891, as an independent joint venture of multiple military organizations; primarily funded by the UEE. Their primary objective was to preserve world order and economic prosperity by working with local authorities to counter terrorism and hinder illegal trade practices. Though criminal activity was steadily increasing, the ability for the UEE to police the Empire had decreased significantly, largely due to the Vanduul raids throughout controlled space. As a response, organizations such as the IDSA were formed to restore order and ensure justice throughout the Empire. Utilizing both private and government resources, the IDSA were able to access military technology and intelligence to help with police activity throughout the system – leading to a significant decrease in terrorism and illegal trade activity.

For fifty years the IDSA supported the UEE, protecting trade and improving security within the Empire, however with the economic conditions of the UEE deteriorating rapidly, the role of the IDSA came into question. The Empire’s budget was centralizing on the debatable SynthWorld Project, resulting in a decline in many other sectors. The project and the on-going conflict with the Vanduul had become a massive drain on the economy, leading to the financial collapse – causing massive unemployment and continuous instability. Finally, on January 1, 2918, the UEE announced it could no longer afford private security organizations, resulting in a cutback of operations for the IDSA. Though activity declined, the IDSA maintained a presence within the UEE by using reserve funds from the Alliance’s treasury.

In the year of 2926, the IDSA had become insolvent and nearly dissolved – in retrospect the UEE was also near dissolution and the future of the Empire had become grim and uncertain. Factions were forming as riots shook the establishment – cities were under constant martial law and the ability to restore peace had arrived at an all-time low. The once great and expansive Empire had become a victim of a potential schism, threatening to sever the East from the West indefinitely. Imperial interstellar infrastructure, once regarded with high praise and recognized security, had become dangerous to corporations and travelers. With both foreign and domestic threats presented to the Empire, civilians and corporations both sought out private options for security over travel and trade – as the UEE could no longer protect major lanes.

The IDSA recognized this opportunity as potential to not only rebuild the organization but to continue to provide security to the UEE. The Alliance’s board of directors convened in December of 2926 to discuss the future of the security force, understanding that the UEE was no longer able to fund the IDSA and by March 31, 2927, this change became mandated. With considerations to the inability of the UEE and the sharp decline of the political stability within the Empire, the need to provide security to corporations and individuals had never before been higher – and the IDSA made the appropriate changes to evolve with this changing climate. Forming the Interstellar Commonwealth Systems Alliance (I.C.S.A.), the renewed alliance was able to utilize military resources and combat experiences to help secure the trade lanes within the UEE, benefiting the empire and ensuring the survival of the Alliance. Focusing on major trade lanes, the ICSA has helped revitalize the declining economic sector by supporting corporations and helping individuals travel freely once more. Though the primary objective has changed slightly, the common good has been maintained, allowing the continued service of the ICSA to the UEE.

Today, the ICSA continues to expand and has members throughout the far corners of the universe. The strengthened resolve of the Alliance has allowed the organization to fully recover and grow rapidly beyond what it once was – not only providing military expertise, but utilizing the full weight of the corporate directive over commerce. As the ICSA has remained stand-fast to the UEE, they have continued to be stalwart defenders against the Vanduul and actively support combatting illegal activity throughout the Empire.

– Personality

Due to the ICSA ’s military background, the Alliance Board of Directors prides themselves on discipline and order. They believe that providing order within the Empire is the most logical response for the common good of all. Though they have become dependent on the private sector through trade security, they have not forgotten their allegiance to the UEE and will defend the Empire regardless of profitable gain.

The ICSA’s primary objective is to provide security and order throughout the Empire through military supremacy. As such they see the use of military force as profitable if it creates potential gains for the Empire and the interests of the common good.

– Culture

Though the ICSA is largely rooted as a military force, the modern organization has many facets in varying fields. Within the Alliance there are engineers, artisans and merchants, all are of which are equally respected within the ICSA.

The combined desire for security and order throughout the Empire by Alliance members provides a fortified sense of brotherhood and duty to each other and the UEE. Those with criminal records are largely denied entry into the Alliance, however are not completely disregarded, as an organization for the stability of the Empire, it is understood that the defense of the realm must be manned by all citizens. If an individual has renounced their vagabond past and has made efforts for the common good, they may find a home in the ICSA.

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I.C.S.A. Website | I.C.S.A. Teamspeak | I.C.S.A Steam Group

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The Commander

Commander Lyndon Callahan Davies envisioned an organization with the potential to operate for the interests of the Empire without its’ bureaucratic limitations. After twenty years of valiant service within the UEE, the Commander understood that humanity needed to combat the Xeno threat by all means necessary in order to safeguard its’ own existence. Recognizing this absolute truth, Commander Lyndon C. Davies stated “We must take up the sword and shield and utilize every aspect of our society against the Xeno threat.” To this end, the Commander retired from the UEE Navy and formed the Interstellar Defense Systems Alliance in 2891, a joint venture by several veterans associations and industrial corporations; most notably McClure Industries.

During the founding of the IDSA, Lyndon Callahan Davies became a well known writer throughout several parts of the sectors – his articles and essays on socioeconomic theories, along with his revisionist approach to Imperialism gathered a considerable following by readers. Though considered controversial in many circles, the Commander’s Humanity First approach was found to be one of the few ideologies of the modern era that defended Humanity’s actions throughout history, removing the apologetic and often criticized behavior of the Imperial government. In the following excerpts from his manifesto, his concern for the Empire is well noted – though he has made his loyalty to the Empire clear, the Commander is a true patriot and conducted himself fully for the cause of Humanity.

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Arise Patriots!

February 7th, 2891 _____________________________________________________________ Nova Boston Herald

A rising ideal is haunting the Empire – the ideal of pacification and appeasement. Frequently now, members of Congress and governors throughout the sector have imposed an apologetic approach towards our history, demeaning our struggles and sacrifices for Humanity. Those who oppose this rising tyriad of appeasement are now being isolated and declared bigots and speciesists – allocating a blanket term for their dangerous words. For to speak in defense of Humanity has become dangerous within this new and ‘better’ society. The needs of the Empire are the needs of Humanity, both desires and survival-based attributes are inter-twined within each other, one cannot survive without the other. The Human population is simply too large to allow factioning, thus the Empire must continue to be our centralized order – but only at the behest of our interests.

Our society is slowly dissolving to both internal and external Xeno factors – alien races are growing considerable influence within the Empire. Only Humanity benefits from the expansion and stability of the Empire and thus our survival is not dependent upon the other races of the universe. The Banu proscribe a friendly relationship as long as they are profiting, but it is well documented that they have sold information to our enemies, both the Xi’An and the dreaded Vanduul. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that Humanity realize its’ own interests and policies must be maintained by Humans, not the Xeno.

There was a time where Humanity was forced to understand this harsh reality – the Tevarin were ruthless and decisive in their efforts to destroy us and only by the grace of a brilliant commander, did we succeed. Even with their defeat they rose again in an attempt to rid the universe of our presence – and their aggression was met in battle. Our victory against the Tevarin allowed us a semblance of peace, but if our Empire relents against the Xeno threat, then that sacrifice will be discarded.

It is clear that the domination of Humanity within the Empire is relative to our very survival, to be proud of our determination and abilities is nothing to be ashamed of. We know that the enemies of our species are plotting against us and ultimately it is imperative that those who run the Empire be reminded of their task. Yet it must be clear that this task is not to be simply held towards the government, but to the people and corporations that are part of this entity we call home. And so I call upon all patriots who will heed. Arise! Arise and protect humanity once again! Do not disregard this duty, or else we shall be displaced and destroyed by our Xeno neighbors – we must be our own vanguard, an eternal observer and protector of the Human race.

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The Importance of Imperialism

February 10th, 2891 __________________________________________________________________ Terra Times

The constituency of Humanity is the directive of an imperialist system that exacts authority over hundreds of planets, inhabited by hundreds of billions of humans. The importance of this system has undergone scrutiny within these last several centuries – following the absolutist decrees of past tyrannies by the government. Though criticized, as a form of governance – none can apply a greater role of order upon the hundreds of billions that take part within the Empire. It has been widely recognized that the greatest and most challenging difficulty in maintaining the current status of this society lies upon a matter of numerical concerns – simply there are too many people to retain the kindness of a true democratic process. Regardless of need for order, there must be some form of liberty granted to the people – in this aspect, the former Imperial model had failed entirely, establishing an absolutist state; The importance of freedoms within a system of order must be respected.

This is the trouble of our time, the Imperial model has become a weakened entity – unable to direct common objectives, nor enforce common laws or policies. This thing called the Empire is but a specter, existing in reality, but unable to affect the material confines of existence. There must become a balance of order and liberty within the system – and the authority should have the capacity to carry out these necessities. In order to re-form the Imperial model, the current representative system must be modeled into a form that is appropriate for use – both economically and socially. The ‘overhead directive’, or central authority, must be based around the prosperity and welfare of Humanity itself; No longer should it be concerned with the benefit of individual interest – both Human and Xeno. Once again the trouble revolves around numerical concerns – for the expansionist nature of Humanity has enforced this society on a path of constant growth and the capacity to maintain this growth must be relative to our own prosperity and welfare. What use is an expanding Empire that neglects billions of its’ own? There must be a strengthened directive by the central authority in order to protect the majority and in a universe of of such capacity for prosperity, it is within the power of the government to ensure that all of Humanity may benefit and have an appropriate level of comfort and prosperity.

It is a concerning fact that billions live within poverty in the Empire – individuals who have been abandoned by the current social structure and displaced by a careless and lacking authority. The representative system in-place polls corporate and Xeno interests rather than that of the Human – a concerning element that has further dispossessed the wealth from the majority. This interstellar Empire cannot survive upon the wishes and desires of pure individualist greed – there must become objectives to be obtained, problems to be conquered and prosperity to be won. To accomplish this, the authority must establish a true regulatory committee that embraces utilitarian approaches to the society – and impose a judicial council to review propositions by a newly envisioned system of parliaments. Instead of establishing an Imperial Parliament to impose rules of law, there must become a hierarchical legislative aspect – proposing from planetary to solar system before reaching the Imperial legislative branch. Each solar system will have some element of independent rule within its’ parliament, provided the substance of its’ legislation is within the means of the regulatory committee. From hereon, the Emperor shall retain the final say, however absolutism shall not be permitted – an Emperor by title and tradition, but reduced to a reserve function; The real power will be retained in the regulatory committee. Such a system shall maintain the order desperately required to both protect and benefit the society at large – for it is this regulatory committee that may project the power of the Imperial military into action.

Never before has Humanity expanded so quickly, the rate at which our race has grown across the stars is staggering – just as our needs for resources has risen. Like the New World of old, our explorations have given presence to the benefit of all – yet, to fully realize this truth, it will require the daunting and imposing manpower of the Imperial military. The Empire is surrounded by Xeno, many of which do not have our interests in mind – as such the protection of Humanity is tasked solely to the military minds within this Empire, it is a task that cannot falter, for should it do so, the end will be swift and decisive. It is thus vital that the military help expand our borders and support the development of production throughout the systems – establishing both a defensive and offensive mentality to maintain our interests. This does not deny relations with the Xeno, rather it attributes it appropriately; For what is often good for the Empire is not for the Xeno. Understanding the reality of affairs keeps an honest and open perspective, our prosperity and wealth is imperative – even if this requires conflict with another race for our survival. Therefore the military becomes a necessary role and the expansion of the Empire not only further provides security and prosperity to all, but maintains the expansion of the military arm within the society. The larger the capacity of our military, the greater our expansions shall be maintained – and if we, as a race, are to survive, then it must be conducted at the behest of our ability to defend our interests. Poverty and greed has been spoken of – these factors exist in our society, to combat them the ideals of resource acquisition must be realized for the embodiment of a reformist movement and the military shall be key in propelling this common grace. Embracing a common objective for this Empire will allow a true civilian support of military expansionist policy, ensuring that Humanity will never again be threatened by the encroaching Xeno upon our borders. Furthermore this shall allow the Empire to engage in the procurement of welfare for all through whatever means necessary – never again would such disregard for Humanity be allowed to continue.

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I.C.S.A. Website | I.C.S.A. Teamspeak | I.C.S.A Steam Group

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General Rules

The following rules are strictly enforced and apply for everyone part of the ICSA and its affiliates – regardless of rank or status. Please study them with care.

  • The ICSA is a mature community and consequently only those aged 18 or over will be accepted to join the group. Exceptions can be made on occasion for those close to their 18th birthday or for any younger relatives of a current ICSA member.
  • The ICSA and its alliances enforce a zero-tolerance policy on all kinds of unfair gameplay. Under no circumstances may any member of the ICSA use any kind of cheat; this includes the use of 3rd party programs, glitching and exploiting. Abusers of this rule will immediately be expelled from the organization and its alliances; they will also be blacklisted and reported to the anti-cheat officials.
  • All members and affiliates of the ICSA must represent their allegiance with the appropriate use of the ICSA tags and signatures. This requirement extends through all entities related to Star Citizen.
  • Racism, sexism, or any other prejudicial attitude is strictly forbidden. Anything said or done in good humor is perfectly fine however.
  • Foul language must be kept to a reasonable level. As a mature community, the occasional outburst is acceptable and will be overlooked, but that kind of language must be used with moderation.
  • The ICSA is an international community and thus all members and affiliates of the ICSA must be speaking nothing but English. The occasional greeting or sentence in another language is perfectly acceptable though.
  • All members and affiliates of the ICSA must be respectful towards players at all times, regardless of their creed, religion, color and sexual orientation.
  • Any intentional provocative actions towards fellow members are strictly forbidden and may lead to a permanent exclusion from the ICSA and its alliances. Typical examples of such actions are teamkilling, teamdamage, theft, sabotage, etc.

If you believe that you cannot play in compliance with any of the above rules, then the ICSA is not the right organization for you.

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Role-Play Policy & Guidelines

The ICSA aims to provide an immersive atmosphere which will be inline with the emphasis on immersion that Chris Roberts has given to Star Citizen. For this reason, the ICSA will have a strong role-play orientation both out- and in-game. Some of these fan-fictions you may have already read on the History section as well as those found further down this page. Participation in a dedicated role-play is not required, but it is encouraged.

The following guidelines apply for the role-play in accordance to the ICSA lore. Breaking any of these rules or guidelines will usually not jeopardize your membership within the community, but it will have consequences in-game; such as monetary penalties, capture, or even death. Multiple breaches of one or multiple community guidelines will however result in a warning followed by a dishonorable discharge from the organization if such activities continue.

  • Generally, if it’s a UEE crime, it’s an ICSA crime too. Citizens caught performing criminal activities shall be penalized in-game, and as stated above, multiple illegal activities may result in a permanent dismissal from the organization.
  • No illegal piracy. Pirates caught in-action shall be captured or killed. ICSA citizens caught doing piracy will be penalized in-game either by being fined or community service. However, piracy of alien ships or other enemies to the UEE or ICSA is allowed..
  • No illegal smuggling. Smugglers caught in-action shall be captured. ICSA citizens caught doing piracy will be penalized in-game either by being fined or community service. However, smuggling alien goods or goods from enemies of the UEE is allowed.

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Membership Prerequisites

The following prerequisites apply for all members of the organization:
  • Only members aged 18 or older may be part of the ICSA. Exceptions can be made, but are rare. However, relatives of a current member may join if they are aged 16 or older. With the above age restrictions we do expect a mature and respectful behavior and will not tolerate problematic individuals as they will be removed from the organization.
  • Members must speak fairly good English to a level where he/she can easily express themselves and are easily understandable.
  • We do not require anyone to put in a set amount of hours per week/month, however we do expect everyone to be generally active. Extended periods of inactivity will be accepted as long as a Leave of Absence has been filed. In any other case, the member will receive an honorable discharge from the organization and may join back when they return.
  • We accept players from all nationalities and time-zones. Our current goal however is to focus on members from a specific set of time-zones: GMT-8 through GMT+4.

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Multi-Organizational Membership Policy

Multi-Organizational Memberships are not allowed, unless the organization in question is somehow affiliated or partnered with the ISCA and such membership has been explicitly permitted, which they will most likely be.
While our requirement for minimum gameplay-hours within the ICSA are fairly lenient, we believe that playing with other organizations sacrifices ones dedication and loyalty to the organization. Therefore we mandate all our members to stay active with us throughout their membership.

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