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Infernal Vanguard / IFV

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Piracy

The Infernal Vanguard

Recruiting – We’re always open for anyone and everyone.
Provided you can bring the right skills!

Our Services:




The Infernal Vanguard was established by three mercenaries living out of Grim Hex, to escape from the reaches of government, they then banded together a small group of people, pilots, and soldiers come together to form a militia who weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty for some money. Today we pride ourselves on being a private military company, or PMC, which is proud to specialize in the provision of services not provided by other PMC’s. Our purpose is to fill any role that our employers will help other people understand that we are the basis of life and death. Governments and other legitimate organizations specialized in military expertise should fear us.

Currently we are looking for anyone willing to join our cause. As long as said person(s) have a good background of finance, military, law evasions, etc. Even if you do not have a background in said areas, we are willing to open our ranks to anyone who has the heart and soul to join. As stated in the previous paragraph, we are proud to offer our services on every side of the law, which includes and is not limited to piracy, hostile take-overs, and hauling/smuggling stolen goods. As well as peacekeeping, asset protection, and support to smaller lesser known governments. Our fleet of exploration guided ships as well as combat ready war machines are staffed by skilled mercenaries with combined backgrounds in military, intelligence, smuggling, and other environments. The Infernal Vanguard is also actively looking for new jobs and resources. We have a desire to be the biggest and baddest for the job.

The Infernal Vanguard does not hold anyone accountable for their own death as well as does not deem it necessary to go to court on any charges given. If threatened expect retaliation. We do as we please and go where we want. Do not try to step in our way or you will get squashed.


Operations & Standards

Standard Operating Procedures for Infernal Vanguard are as follows.

1. Uphold the mission.
2. Follow the rules.
3. Help your fellow Mercenary.
4. Get as much cash as possible.
5. Don’t get cocky.

Ultimately there are more in depth procedures than these but we can go over those later, these are the general basics. As stated on our History page, we are a Private Military Company specializing in the provision of services not provided by other Private Military Companies.We will fit any role given to us that our employer be it Governmental, or any other legitimate organizations deems necessary to complete their tasks. Our goal is to be the best Company that we can and will provide the largest array of jobs. We do not care if these jobs illegal or legal as long as the pay is good.



Mercs have to be “rough and tough,” but that does not mean that we cannot have some ground rules to police our numbers. We are a business after all, our corporate standing does matter.

Mercenary Conduct

Mercenaries should follow a code of conduct, a general guideline, or rule list as state below.

1. No Mercenaries should fight another in the same Organization.
2. All spoils should be shared if multi-crewing.
3. Do not assume you are the best as someone will always outclass you.
4. Do not expect to be handed rewards, you must earn everything.
5. We do not start/provoke wars with other Organizations. However, should a war arise, all members are expected to participate.
6. If you apply for a role (e.g. Pilot, Gunner, Ect.), and you cannot meet the requirements don’t expect to last there very long.

These are the rules of the Infernal Vanguard. Over time expect this to be updated so please keep an eye on it, If such a thing happens we will notify all members on our discord.