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Roberts Space Industries ®

ILW - "Inerstellar Lila Wave" / ILW

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

The“Inerstellar Lila Wave“is a giant space organization on Earth that has been joined by NASA, which aims at space exploration with the idea of discovering a prosperous and habitable planet for the survival of Earth’s humanity for this the organization will need You ! [Digital Emprint of the Leader]


The interstellar wave LIla was created in the year 2035 by Hax Arm born in Switzerland 2013, from 13 years He should have found his passion in space exploration and will have set himself the primary objective of becoming the first man to have discovered a habitable planet. After years of hard work he became a researcher at NASA and shortly later he became an Astronaut. In 2030 the Earth was becoming increasingly unstable due to numerous volcanic the four corners of the world, as well as the massive loss of the Earth’s atmosphere that will let pass bruised solar winds. In 2032 Hax will decide to put an end to human ordeal by offering them a new planet for a new degradation of human civilization. In 2035 the organization “interstellar Lila wave” will see the light of day with its first launch of spacecraft [name of the spacecraft: Icarus-7174R] who will command Captain Hax Arm. Since then, 4526 ships and 265’111’230 humans will leave Earth with the name of the organization “LIW” marked on the hull of the ships, in order to discover and explore a new planet ideal for the rest of humanity. To this day, leader Hax has still not returned to Earth. [digital emprint of Commander-in-Chief Bray Loris]


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