Idris Owners' Club / IOC

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

A place for only the most sophisticated of Idris Owners to gather and network. Once registered, please join us on our Spectrum channel for drinks and chuckles.


The origins of the Idris Owner’s Club are steeped in mystery. Some say it was founded by the Templars, but others say that’s a load of hogwash. Most people don’t care. It has liqueur and that’s enough.


The bond of ownership.

All Idris owners have a common bond. This shared bond should be nurtured and developed via alcohol and cigars. The Idris Owners’ Club is a place where this can occur.


Who are the IOC?

We are a calm, relaxed place for Idris owners to find sanctuary. You will find our warm fire crackling and our robot butlers perfectly maintained.

We are not a fleet. The Idris registered to the IOC should be considered ‘parked’ under an electrically heated blanket while their owners sip whiskey. The IOC does not organise fleet ops or attempt to have an impact on the ‘verse at all, other than by offering a place to unwind. However, members are free to discuss alliances among themselves which do not involve the IOC.

However, should a member of the IOC find themselves in trouble, an honourable code requires that their fellow members aid them if possible. We may also organise elaborate Idris Race Events ™ and harmless social gatherings.

All Idris owners are welcome, regardless of their chosen profession, race or gender. Members may not attack other members in the Universe unless the target’s actions are intentionally hostile towards the IOC. Members will be escorted off the premises if they abuse this privilege of mutual safety. This is to be a place where pirates can dine and laugh alongside bounty hunters. Members may agree among themselves to waive this rule – i.e. the pirate and bounty hunter may agree to the noble sport of hunting each other after dinner. Indeed, this is a common occurrence.

Code of Conduct.

1. All members are to be treated with the utmost correctness and without prejudice.

2. Any member may demand satisfaction should a quarrel occur. This will be attended to promptly and in the presence of a member witness and adjudicator.

3. Membership grants the right to access any other member’s bridge to complete a single barrel roll.

4. Any reasonable invitation for drinks from one member to another may not be declined. All undesirables must first be removed from the chosen venue.

5. Members may designate a First Officer if they desire. The First Officer is permitted to act on the Member’s behalf regarding club matters when the member is unavailable.