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Interstellar Produce Inc. / IPI

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Security

Org Moved to Bits & Bobs Ltd [BITBOB]


Org Moved to Bits & Bobs Ltd [BITBOB]


“We do not exist to govern territory, fight wars, or build empires. Our concern is the freedom of our pilots to accumulate wealth, and traverse the space lanes that connect the empires of others.”*
Capt. Bradshaw, CEO, Director of Trade Operations, Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI)

“Our work ethic is simple here in defence: Protect the wealth and the wealth will protect us. We mould each and every one of our dedicated defence employees with a degree of finesse that ensures our trade operations are secure from pirates and other aggressive groups. With no defence there would be no trade, and with no trade there will be no IPI.”*
Paddington, CEO, Director of Defence, Admiral of the Fleet, Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI)

Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI) is a civilian commercial organisation run along corporate lines. Instead of a rigid chain of command, we employ reporting lines and a culture of empowering individuals to use their discretion within guidelines. Ranks and titles are designations of responsibility and trust; rather than unquestioning authority. Ultimately this delivers the best of both worlds, by allowing the organisation to act decisively when required, but also leverage the inputs and talents of all employees who wish to contribute. This approach is further strengthened by a meritocratic culture.

For the capable, this means opportunities for progression, even to the highest levels of the organisation.
Outside of our core Industry Department, there are career opportunities for Fighter Pilots, Explorers and Logistics Operatives. Their equal status is reflected by a commitment to ensure they share in the profitability of the organisation, to the full extent possible. For these pilots, Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI)’s mission ensures a challenging context and a chance to make a real difference; our focus on frontier zones ensures that our fighter pilots never have to look for the fight, Explorers are well positioned to launch expeditions deep into the unknown, and Logistics Operatives are strategic to the success of a 24/7 interstellar operation.



Our Regulations define the parameters of conduct that we each agree to in exchange for the privilege of being accepted for employeeship within Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI).

Our Regulations are the rules and privileges associated with being a employee of Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI).

“Think of them as our Eight Commandments, except that if you break them, it won’t be God you’ll be explaining yourself to, it’ll be me.”
Paddington, Director of Defence, Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI)

Regulation One

You have the right to an open and welcoming atmosphere. Enjoy yourself while being respectful to each other at all times and you will never fall foul of Regulation One. Individuals unable to comply with this Regulation will be dismissed.

Regulation Two

If you are interested in piracy, this is not the organisation for you. We are a legitimate trading corporation united with all other organisations contending with the common threat of piracy. Any Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI) employee reported for carrying out acts of piracy will be investigated and, if confirmed, be dismissed and become immediately subject to Regulation Three.

Regulation Three

For reasons of security and maintaining competitive advantage, all employees are required to maintain exclusive employeeship to Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI). Moreover, our preference is to fly with a committed group of fellow pilots, rather than a larger organisation of part-time employees with split loyalties.

Regulation Four

While the expectation is that you have joined to contribute in some way to the overall group, the principle of Voluntary Participation ensures that you are free to to attend and contribute at the level you are comfortable with, without prejudice.

Regulation Five

As a legitimate trading corporation, Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI) does not engage in smuggling, as defined by the accepted laws of the region of space in question. Any employee conducting such activity does so on his own, and with no affiliation to Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI). Furthermore, the employee may not participate in Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI) Operations while engaging in such activity. Based on the gravity of the offence, violation of this Regulation will lead to sanctions including, but not restricted to, fines, demotion, and dismissal.

Regulation Six

Employees may not engage in slave trading. Contrary to Regulation Six, this applies regardless of the accepted laws, or indeed lack of laws, of the region of space in question. Based on the gravity of the offence, violation of this Regulation will lead to sanctions including, but not restricted to, fines, demotion, and dismissal.

Regulation Seven

Employees may not cause the name of Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI) to be brought into disrepute. Based on the gravity of the offence, violation of this Regulation will lead to sanctions including, but not restricted to, fines, demotion, and dismissal.

Regulation Eight

As indicated by our recruiting procedure, which requires a TeamSpeak interview, Interstellar Produce Incorporated (IPI) is a TeamSpeak community. As such a clear preference for TeamSpeak activity is a mandatory requirement for employees who wish to advance within the organisation. All communications will be directed through our Group Communication Address:
Our state of the art proprietary software designed in-house, we are able to communicate between galaxies with no time delay. This integral to the daily running of the Corporation. All members must communicate through this system.