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Red Sun Empire / IRONCOMP

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A new dawn is coming. We will defend it with iron and blood.


“It has been said that no one is immortal, that the sun sets on all, but not us, we will live eternally in the empire born today. “ -Tetsudo I “As long as there are other sovereign nations out there in possessing great power, war is inevitable.” – Albert Einstein, 20th-century physicist and philosopher

In the aftermath of the 2792 revolution, loyalists rallied to the Horus system as a new home. On January 16th, 2793, the new democratic government of the UEE launched an attack on the loyalist fleet, destroying all but a single ship. Onboard the lone surviving ship was a man who would become Testudo the First. To this day, the UEE denies the war crimes they committed, but the red sun knowns the blood of that day. Today, we are firm in our dedication to eternal expansion and glorification of the empire, yet fair and sensible with all whom we encounter. Those foolish enough to fight us be warned we will never acquiesce as long as one soldier remains.
Good men all, our frail deeds will not hinder our absolute right to conquest. The sun shall never set on the empire!

