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Roberts Space Industries ®


  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Piracy


Grab a gun, you’re going in first.



                          I R O N P O I N T


Welcome to the crew, we needed another replacement.

We’ve got haulers to board, fleets to burn, cargo traders to snare, and miner’s that need to be cleared out – so get involved, you’re going to be getting your hands dirty sooner than you realize.

There’s no sitting idle in this crew, you’re either cracking skulls or practicing your cracking skills. We pride ourselves on being the most LETHAL Pirate Crew in Star Citizen, and we do that by putting in the time on sticks.

Get to know your teammates and fellow crew members – they’re active and rambunctious, and I’m sure you’ll fit right in. If you learn to survive long enough, you can work your way towards being a BLOODED Crew member, which is both respected and feared for their capability for violence and skullduggery.

I’ve only got a few rules on this crew:
  • Die quietly, nobody likes a screamer.
  • No shooting your friends, we’re already short on those.
  • Keep your word, repeat customers are the most generous.
  • And be a team player, I get tired of digging individual graves.

Now go grab a gun, we’re throwing you in first.

Veteran-run, Civilian friendly. Newbie Friendly!



                         P   I   R   A   C   Y   


IronPoint is the most lethal pirate crew in Star Citizen.

We aim to retain that status through dedicated PVP practice and explicit Piracy actions.

We conduct ourselves in the criminal manner in Star Citizen: snaring, boarding, infiltrating ships, drug lab holding, shipment/cargo denial, ambushes, FPS hunts, Fleet crashing, and everything inbetween.



                         G A M E P L A Y


IronPoint holds a few things important to its core…
  1. Be cool – we’re a relaxed group so feel free to relax with us.
  2. Be lethal – practice dogfighting. Piracy by nature is combat, there’s no excuse to neglect it.
  3. Be violent – take a fight when it comes to you.
  4. Be honest – give your word to your victims and don’t go back on it.
  5. Be creative – solve problems in unique ways.
  6. Be intelligent – exercise making good judgement calls.