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Knights of Zion / KN1GHTS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

United by Honor, Driven by Spirit.
We are the Knights of Zion

Superius resurgimus
- We Rise Above
. . .

אבירי ציון



The Knights of Zion were founded in the early days of jump point exploration, born from a shared vision of creating an organization rooted in honor, integrity, and camaraderie. The founders, a group of seasoned pilots and explorers, saw an opportunity to build a community that stood apart from the rest. They envisioned a place where friendship and honor were paramount, and where members could find support and encouragement in their journey through the stars.

Early Days

In the beginning, the Knights of Zion started as a small group of like-minded individuals. They embarked on exploratory missions, trading ventures, and combat operations, quickly earning a reputation for their honorable conduct and teamwork. Despite their size, they made a significant impact in the verse, forging alliances and earning the respect of other organizations.

Growth and Expansion

As word of the Knights of Zion’s values and successes spread, more pilots and adventurers were drawn to their ranks. The organization grew steadily, attracting members who shared their commitment to honor and integrity. This period of growth saw the Knights of Zion expanding their operations to include large-scale mining expeditions, mercenary work, and humanitarian missions.

The Battle of Vega and the Fall

One of the most defining moments in the history of the Knights of Zion was the Battle of Vega. Determined to help the UEE defend the Vega system from a major Vanduul incursion, the Knights of Zion fought valiantly. However, their commitment to helping others came at a great cost. Many members were lost in the fierce battles, and the organization suffered a significant blow. This tragic event marked the fall of the Knights of Zion, as the remaining members struggled to keep the org alive amidst the heavy losses.

The Revival

For years, the legacy of the Knights of Zion lay dormant, remembered only in stories and memories of the past. This changed in the year 2950, when Jack Logen, a descendant of the original founders, decided to resurrect the organization. Driven by a desire to honor his ancestors and restore the Knights of Zion to their former glory, Jack began the arduous task of rebuilding the org. He reached out to former members and new recruits alike, sharing his vision of a revitalized Knights of Zion.



We, the members of the Knights of Zion (KOZ), stand united under the banner of honor, integrity, and camaraderie. In a verse filled with challenges and competition, we rise above through our unwavering commitment to the core values that define us. This manifesto is our declaration of purpose, guiding us in our journey and ensuring that we remain true to the principles that bind us together.

Our Identity

We are the Knights of Zion, an organization that believes in the power of unity, respect, and fair play. Our identity is forged through the shared experiences and bonds we create within our community. We are more than just pilots and warriors; we are a family dedicated to uplifting each other and achieving greatness together.

Core Beliefs

Friendship: We believe that true strength comes from the bonds of friendship. We support, encourage, and uplift one another, creating a network of trust and loyalty.
Integrity: We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty and ethical behavior. In every action, we strive to be fair, transparent, and true to our word.
Honor: We conduct ourselves with dignity and respect, both within our organization and in other communities. We honor our commitments and respect our opponents.
Victory: We pursue excellence and strive for victory in every challenge we face. Our victories are not just measured by our successes, but by the spirit in which we achieve them.
Fair Play: We value sportsmanship and the spirit of fair competition. We compete with integrity and respect, ensuring that our actions reflect the values we uphold.
Positivity: We maintain a positive and encouraging atmosphere. We celebrate each other’s successes and offer support in times of challenge, fostering a community of growth and resilience.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a thriving community where every member feels valued and empowered. We seek to be a beacon of honor and integrity in the verse, setting a standard for others to follow. Through our actions, we aim to inspire positive change and demonstrate that true victory comes from unity, respect, and fair play.

Our Commitment

We are committed to:

Building Strong Relationships: Fostering an environment where friendships flourish and every member feels a sense of belonging.
Upholding Integrity: Ensuring that all our actions reflect our commitment to honesty and ethical behavior.
Respecting All: Treating every member and opponent with dignity, regardless of the outcome of any competition, battle or interaction.
Striving for Excellence: Encouraging each member to reach their full potential and achieve greatness through teamwork and dedication.
Promoting Fair Play: Interacting in a manner that is fair, respectful, and honorable.
Maintaining Positivity: Creating an uplifting environment where every member is motivated to be their best.

Our Vision

We envision a future where the Knights of Zion stand as a paragon of honor and integrity in the verse. A community where members are united by their shared values, driving positive change and setting an example for others to follow. We see a verse where victory is not just about winning, but about how we achieve it together.



Welcome to the Knights of Zion (KOZ), a place where friendship, integrity, honor, victory, fair play, and positivity are our guiding principles. We are a community of dedicated citizens who believe in creating a supportive and respectful environment for all members.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Knights of Zion is to build a strong, unified community that values honor and spirit in every endeavor. We aim to rise above challenges and triumph together, driven by our shared commitment to excellence and camaraderie.

Core Values

Friendship: We cherish the bonds we form within our group, supporting each other however and whenever possible.
Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethical behavior, ensuring fairness in all our interactions.
Honor: We conduct ourselves with dignity and respect, honoring both our members and our opponents.
Victory: We strive for excellence and aim to achieve victory through teamwork, skill, and dedication.
Fair Play: We value sportsmanship and fair play, maintaining a competitive yet respectful environment.
Positivity: We foster a positive atmosphere, encouraging and uplifting each other in all our endeavors.


Membership in the Knights of Zion is open to all individuals who share our values and are committed to upholding our mission. Members are expected to:

  • Show respect for all members and opponents.
  • Engage in fair play and refrain from cheating or exploiting.
  • Participate actively in org events and discussions.
  • Support and encourage fellow members.
  • Represent the Knights of Zion with honor and integrity in all communities.


The Knights of Zion are organized into the following roles:

  1. Leader: The Leader oversees the org’s activities, makes executive decisions, and represents the org in external matters.
  2. Officers: Officers assist the Leader in managing the org, organizing events, and ensuring that the core values are upheld.
  3. Members: Members are the core of the org, participating in events, contributing to discussions, and supporting each other.

Code of Conduct

All members of the Knights of Zion are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct:

Respect: Treat all members and opponents with respect in all forms of communication.
Integrity: Avoid cheating, hacking, or exploiting. Report any suspicious activity to org leadership.
Positivity: Maintain a positive and encouraging attitude. Support fellow members and contribute to a welcoming environment.
Honor: Represent the Knights of Zion with honor in all communities. Be gracious in victory and humble in defeat.
Collaboration: Work together with fellow members to achieve common goals. Share knowledge, strategies, and support.


The Knights of Zion participate in a variety of activities and once the verse offers more options we will incorporate those also. Right now our activities includes:

Org Gatherings: Regularly weekly in-verse gatherings and practice sessions.
Community Engagement: Participation in social media and other communities to promote our values and recruit new members.
Skill Development: Training sessions and resources to help members improve their skills.


The Knights of Zion are more than just an organization; we are a community united by our shared values and commitment to excellence. As we continue our journey, we remain steadfast in our mission, driven by honor, integrity, and friendship. Together, we rise above, creating a legacy of positive impact and unyielding unity.