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Knightbringer Rescue and Salvage / KNIGHTRS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Medical

Welcome to the official page of Knightbringer Mining and Salvage. We focus on roleplay, organic gameplay, and missions. Our group is open to experienced star pilots as well as those ready to make their first voyage among the stars.


Knightbringer Salvage and Reclamation emerged from the ashes of tragedy, its origins steeped in the grief and determination of its founder, Jack. The company’s journey began with a devastating pirate raid in the asteroid field around Yela, where Jack’s beloved wife fell victim to the merciless assailants. Left to pick up the shattered remnants of their lives, Jack and his daughter, Kira, resolved to forge a new path amidst the cold and unforgiving expanse of space.

With nothing but resilience and a steadfast resolve, Jack and Kira turned to the stars, embracing the life of small-time miners within the confines of the Stanton system. Their days were spent navigating the treacherous depths of the Arron Halo asteroid belt, where every haul was a testament to their perseverance and grit.

As the years passed and their toil bore fruit, Jack and Kira meticulously saved every credit they could muster, harboring a dream of something greater amidst the cosmic chaos. It was with a mix of determination and hope that they finally amassed enough resources to acquire a Drake Vulture, a vessel that symbolized their aspirations to transcend the confines of mere mining and delve into the realm of starship salvage.

In the year 2954, amidst a backdrop of twinkling stars and infinite possibilities, Knightbringer Mining and Salvage was born. With their trusty Vulture at the helm, Jack and Kira ventured forth into the unknown, their mission clear: to salvage the remnants of lost vessels and breathe new life into forgotten relics scattered across the cosmos.

Their reputation as skilled miners and salvagers swiftly spread throughout the Stanton system, attracting clients drawn to the promise of redemption hidden within the wreckage of their past. With each salvage operation, Knightbringer Mining and Salvage breathed new life into the stars, their work a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Though the pain of loss still lingered in their hearts, Jack and Kira found solace in their shared journey, transforming tragedy into triumph amidst the boundless expanse of space. And as the stars continued to beckon with their siren song, Knightbringer Mining and Salvage stood as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, a testament to the enduring power of perseverance and the unwavering bonds of family.


Knightbringer Mining and Salvage

Empowering Micro-Tech, Preserving Stanton

At Knightbringer Mining and Salvage, we stand as stewards of Micro-
Tech and guardians of Stanton’s well-being. Led by the indomitable father-
daughter duo, Jack and Kira Knightbringer, our mission transcends mere
profit; it is rooted in a profound commitment to sustainability, community, and

Our Purpose:
We exist to salvage the remnants of the past, reclaiming them to forge a
better future for Micro-Tech and all its inhabitants. Our efforts are not merely
about extracting resources but about nurturing the delicate balance between
progress and preservation.

Our Values:
1. Integrity: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our dealings.
Honesty, transparency, and accountability are the cornerstones of our

2. Sustainability: We recognize our responsibility to the environment and
future generations. Every salvage operation is conducted with utmost
respect for the delicate ecosystems of Micro-Tech and beyond.

3. Innovation: We embrace cutting-edge technology and creative
solutions to minimize waste and maximize efficiency. Our dedication to
innovation ensures that we lead by example in sustainable business

4. Community: We prioritize the well-being of our fellow citizens above all
else. By fostering strong relationships with local communities, we strive
to create opportunities for growth and prosperity for all.

5. Adaptability: In the face of challenges, we remain flexible and resilient.
We continuously evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of Micro-Tech
and its inhabitants.

Our Vision:
We envision a future where Micro-Tech thrives as a beacon of sustainability
and prosperity in the Stanton system. By reclaiming the relics of the past and
forging a path toward a cleaner, brighter tomorrow, we inspire others to join us
in our quest for a better world.

Our Commitment:
As the vanguard against the encroaching shadows of large corporations, we
pledge to uphold our values unwaveringly. We refuse to compromise our
principles for short-term gains, knowing that true success lies in the legacy we
leave behind.

Join Us:
Whether you’re a skilled miner or a stalwart salvager, a passionate environmentalist, or simply
someone who shares our vision, we invite you to join us in our noble cause.


Corporate Charter of Knightbringer Mining and Salvage

Established on this day, the 5th of March, in the year 2954, Knightbringer Mining and Salvage (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is founded on the principles of integrity, innovation, and dedication to excellence.

Article I: Name and Location
1.1 The name of the Company shall be Knightbringer Mining and Salvage.
1.2 The principal place of business of the Company shall be located on the planet Micro Tech, within the Stanton system.

Article II: Purpose
2.1 The primary purpose of the Company is to engage in mining and salvage operations, utilizing advanced technology and sustainable practices to extract valuable resources and materials from celestial bodies, wreckage, and other sources.
2.2 The Company may also engage in related activities including, but not limited to, exploration, research, development, and trading of minerals and salvaged goods.

Article III: Ownership
3.1 The Company is owned and operated by Jack Knightbringer and Kira Knightbringer (hereinafter referred to as “the Owners”).
3.2 The Owners shall have the authority to make decisions regarding the direction, management, and operation of the Company, subject to the terms of this Charter and applicable laws and regulations.

Article IV: Governance
4.1 The Company shall be governed by a Board of Directors, consisting of the Owners and any additional individuals appointed by the Owners.
4.2 The Board of Directors shall have the authority to make strategic decisions, establish policies, and oversee the management of the Company’s affairs.
4.3 Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least annually, or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Owners or the Board.

Article V: Financial Matters
5.1 The financial affairs of the Company shall be managed in accordance with sound business practices and principles of fiscal responsibility.
5.2 The Owners shall have the authority to establish budgets, allocate resources, and make financial decisions on behalf of the Company.
5.3 The Company’s financial records shall be maintained accurately and transparently, and shall be subject to audit as deemed necessary by the Owners or the Board of Directors.

Article VI: Dissolution
6.1 In the event of dissolution of the Company, any remaining assets shall be distributed to the Owners in accordance with their respective ownership interests.
6.2 The Owners shall make reasonable efforts to settle any outstanding debts and obligations of the Company prior to dissolution.

Article VII: Amendment
7.1 This Charter may be amended or modified by the Owners with the consent of the Board of Directors.
7.2 Any amendments to this Charter shall be documented in writing and maintained with the Company’s official records.

In witness whereof, the undersigned Owners hereby adopt this Corporate Charter as of the date first written above.

Jack Knightbringer
Kira Knightbringer