Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Ardent Maples / KOZ

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Welcome to Ardent Maples


The Ardent Maples are an multi-gaming community with a rich history from experienced players that stretches into different games. Our main goals is to have fun as a community, strive for excellence in game while minimizing needless drama. We do not tolerate lying, toxic behavior, dissension and trolls. We shall tell our story in Star Citizen though loyalty to each other, unyielding in death and the cohesion of our community on&off the battlefield. Our community invites you to share your story with us as we journey through each chapter of Star Citizen. Praise be the Maple Tree.

The Maples
Ardent Keepers

Our history is now merged but the past is never forgotten

TeamSpeak 3 ~
Discord ~
Steam Name ~ CaptainNachoCheese


Ardent Maple Elects: Apoc, CaptainNachoCheese, Yarvin, Petyr, Whiskey


Ardent Maple Code of Conduct
1. Be a reasonable gamer that can handle being in a community
2. Be respectful to others in the community and outside the community
3. Know that you dont represent yourself, what you do reflexs on the community
4. No griefing the community, players, groups or allies in game or in voice chat
5. No lying, no toxic play, and dissension, that cancer will be cut out
6. If you have a real issue with someone, talk it out, if you dont talk for closure, the end result will lead to a bigger issue

3 Strike Rule
The “3 Strikes” rule applies to “ALL” Ardent Maple Members, Elects will evaluate and rule on a situational bases. At the 3rd Strike; Your membership among this community will be evaluated by the Elects and subject to dismissmal. Each strike you accrue may be forgiven after one month’s time if no further offenses have been made. Please understand that we want to hold everyone accountable in LiF MMO so that your gameplay will be stress free.