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Kraken Privateer Crew / KRAKETEERS

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Transport

Multicrew gameplay is key to achieving success in SC. The Kraken Privateer is the mobile space station which has the widest variety of roles and profit earning of any other capital ship. We will explore everything SC has to offer & build a homebase to land & trade in high security between missions.


In 2942 Nampo Vasco (aka Cousin Crow) worked with Drake Interplanetary Executives to create a livery for their capital ship. The request for a “Banu Merchantman Killer” had been made by his clients and he gave them their money’s worth. Inspired by his days as a smuggler, Cousin Crow included in his design a couple of shops to sell illicit cargo as well. He dubbed the ship: the ‘Privateer.’ In 2944 Crusader Industries provided a custom ship store in Orison (at the Crusader Discovery Center and Covalex store) in exchange for customization of their Genesis Starliners. They named it “Cousin Crow’s Custom Craft.” And thus a home for the Kraketeers (a rag tag crew bent on climbing free from the depths of poverty and enriching their friends and families) was established.

see Jump Point 9.10


Kraketeers is best described as an organization with profits and multicrew gameplay at the forefront.

We all have lives outside of games, but once in game we want to play as a group! an MMO should not feel lonely!

With the Kraken Privateer as our mothership; the loot from our adventures can be put directly towards our wealth. Even illicit cargo can be sold from her cargo grid to players and NPCs making this carrier the apex capital ship of Star Citizen!


Tired of taxes? Tired of drama? Tired of having to giving your info at every turn? Tired of signing you life away all day long? Tired of boring mandatory meetings? So are we!! Join us in our multicrew fleet on any day. Put any loot you want on consignment in the Privateer for any price you desire (as gameplay allows). We will always respect your freedom. All we ask in return is that you treat others professionally.