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  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

KSIONZETA (from “Digital Space Polish”) means Dukes. We are all important. We are all generals. We are all captains. We are all heroes.

Heroes don’t read clan forums or let anybody say them to log in for X hours to grind for X ship. Neither we do. We don’t care if we are your main or lowest org.


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We are all people. We have our jobs. Star Citizen is meant to be our space sim to chill, get with few buddies, do some missions and stuff. Not to grind for org resources o go into turf wars. This org is meant for us to find few trusty buddies to hang out, man eachother ships etc. You can drop in and out at will. You can not log for months and years. Nobody will kick you out. Our rules are just guidelines and you will have to be a total insuferable prick to be kicked out (just don’t take it as challenge). Nobody forces you to do anything. We are here to play together. Do missions together. Man all turrets in that Hammerhead together. Or to unload all containers in your C2.


There are only few rules to follow:

1. Be polite.
2. Don’t attack other members out of the blue.
3. Disregard rule 2 if it’s funny. Just don’t make it a running gag.
4. Help eachother.
5. Never complain that someone haven’t logged in or responded to your pleas of help.
6. Nobody here is your private gang. If you start or provoke turf war, deal with it yourself.
7. No drama.