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Roberts Space Industries ®

Independent Republic of Texas / LADYBIRD

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We the delegates with plenary powers of the people of Texas, in solemn convention assembled, appealing to a candid universe for the necessities of our condition, do hereby resolve and declare, that our political support of the empire has forever ended, and hereby establish the republic of Texas.


Texas has been independent since March 2, 1836; we intend to keep it that way. we reject the empire and hereby establish the Republic of Texas. We claim all land and property historically owned by ancient Texans.

We have been exiled from our homeland, and established a Government-in-exile hidden somewhere around the Stanton Star System…


Our goal is to smash the empires fleet, march on Austin, and take back our lands from the empire,


We are not against any other organization or enterprise.
All help is appreciated. All allies are appreciated.
We do not want any other territory other than Texas, but any lands conquered on on our journey will be “New Texas.”

Texas Will be Tax Free. Texas will have a bill of rights. Texas will be a Republic.