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Lazers & Suede, LLC / LAZERSLLC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

“Where Security meets Style.”


Growing up on Terra, a young man by the name of DJ was part of the surface ship Navy. After many, many, long hours with no real benefit he grew tired of all the ocean salt. DJ took it upon himself to leave the Navy, a distinguished networking professional. Soon after leaving he found use of his skills with a local company. DJ enjoyed his new work scenery even though he still felt he had no purpose. One evening in DJ’s swamp domicile, DJ was slaving over a broken server for his company when he heard a knock on the door. An imposing man with some shrapnel in his face stood there. The strange man spoke using Gif’s and emojis on his MOBI Glass but managed to explain to DJ about the opportunity in the Stanton system. Being the Networking professional that DJ was, he decided to take the man only known as Shrapnel Face up on his offer and found some employment at Port Olisar, the main hub in the Stanton system. Together in the new solar system, their friendship grew. However DJ soon realized that there was more to this place than Port Olisar. He decided the best thing to do was to become a freelancer in this new and dangerous system. After many rotations of the Crusader gas giant, DJ reached out to some of his friends back on Terra about the new adventure. With much reluctancy, Jarol and Jon traveled to the system with all of this new opportunity. There with DJ the group started all sorts of independent freelancing work. The men all felt that in some strange way that this really was the new frontier and this was their calling. Spending more money on new ships and equipment than any sane person would, the group decided the best way to benefit from their new endeavor was to expand upon their operation. In that moment from the Industrious attitude of the Stanton system Lazers & Suede was born. Join our Discord: L&S Discord:


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Until then please join the Organization Discord for more information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.